Ann Bradley dispels the old wives' tales and gives the medical facts.
This leads to some superstitions being called "old wives' tales".
Are you kidding? Frankly speaking, I don't believe in any of these old wives' tales.
In the past, the westerners looked on the acupuncture treatment as just an old wives 'tale.
Eating carrots to help you see in the dark is an old wives' tale-it doesn't make any difference at all.
THERE are numerous old wives' tales about how a couple can increase their chances of having a boy or a girl.
Mirmirani can't confirm the old wives' tales that tell you if you yank one gray hair, five more will sprout up.
Wine and cakes for gentlemen, Hay and corn for horse, A cup of ale for good old wives, And kisses for young lasses.
The old wives' tale that a woman loses one tooth for every child she delivers may, in fact, contain a grain of truth.
The old wives' tale about chewing everything 20 times might be true - if you did take a bit more time eating, it could have an impact.
ABSTRACT: There is an old wives' tale that says the best way to tackle red wine stains on carpets and clothes is to cover them in white wine.
Even though these old wives' tales are far from foolproof, they are certainly more fun than their more reliable successors, amniocentesis and ultrasound.
A review of scientific studies compiled in Britain finds that the notion that Vitamin C wards off the common cold is nothing more than an old wives' tale.
Even if you dont believe that jewelry can be cursed, ive heard an old wives tale that claims engagement rings are supposed to carry the energy of the marriage from whence they came.
Even if you don't believe that jewelry can be cursed, I've heard an old wives' tale that claims engagement rings are supposed to carry the energy of the marriage from whence they came.
In her whole life, Sophia, the female protagonist of the Old Wives 'tale, is striving for an "intact" self-identity in a patriarchal society, which is impossible to realize in social reality.
And with an infant in the house, the usual way husbands and wives make up after a bickerfest may be off-limits, unthinkable, or just plain old inconvenient.
Old-school diplomats had loyal, long-suffering wives. Not any more.
she saw the pictures of the old pastors and their wives, and the congregation sitting in the polished chairs and singing from their hymn-books.
Toronto Police have arrested a 71-year-old Irishman (see photo) - who has had at least 14 wives - on suspicion of bigamy.
Rinkmini, one of Mr Chana's wives who is 35 years old, said: 'We stay around him as he is the most important person in the house.
In the old days, men could have many wives but women were tortured and beaten if they were discovered being unfaithful to their husbands.
A 66-year-old man in India's remote northeast has 39 wives, 94 children and 33 grandchildren, all living under one roof.
When old ranching couples drive their pickups into Nucla, the wives leave the passenger's side empty and sit in the middle of the front seat, close enough to touch their husbands.
When old ranching couples drive their pickups into Nucla, the wives leave the passenger's side empty and sit in the middle of the front seat, close enough to touch their husbands.