Older people who follow healthy diets may live longer, a study suggests.
Older people who would like to retire and would do so if they could afford it should get some help.
Older people who walk quickly tend to live longer than those who slow way down as they age, found a new study.
If there is one — which I take leave to doubt — then it is older people who create it, not the young themselves.
假如确有这样一个问题的话- - - - - - - -我冒昧对此表示怀疑- - - - - - -那么,它是年纪较大的人臆造出来的,而不是青年人自己搞出来的。
Orsini, who has a master's degree in social work, started receiving requests from older people who were homebound.
Its clients are mainly older people who live in the neighborhood and are basically capable of living independently.
For those older people who still wish to have the companionship of a friendly pet, other members of society can help.
For older people who already have trouble sleeping, the researchers say that extra tossing and turning could be the cause.
They have found that most older people who lose spouses from natural causes recover much more quickly than we have come to expect.
Scientists do not have all the answers, but studies of older people who have maintained their mental acuity provide some clues.
Conversely, older people who are physically at high risk, but don’t perceive much danger, fall less often than would be expected.
To keep learning. Older people who keep learning and are curious have much better health outcomes than those who start to close down.
Smoking is very harmful to people, young or old especially to older people who suffered from emphysema or heart disease, and hypertension.
To help animals is helping people. To many people, a pet is like one of the family. This is often true for older people who are very lonely.
However the ability to smell drops off much quicker in older people who were taking medications - also an indicator of underlying health problems.
Nowadays, Jiang Deji's customers are usually older people who went through the resource-scarce periods and have thrifty habits ingrained into them.
This study investigated the older people who have more than 12 years regular swimming exercise by using Symptom Checklist-90(SCL-90) and Generic Quality of Life Inventory(GQOLI).
The economics of aging is under pressure-as older people who are still vigorous will be able to make positive contributions to society, either as mentors or as direct participants.
Compared with the rest of the population, older people are also more likely to own their own homes and be less mobile than renters, who can move to new job markets.
Young people who are still getting started in life were more likely than older adults to prioritize personal fulfillment in their work.
People who are at my age or ten years older all sat together and talked about their days.
We seek people who are patient and caring, and who have experience and interest in working with older adults.
In Sweden, where the term originated, mappies have their own magazine which defines them as older people "who have time and money and want to spend them".
Fukuda notes most deaths from seasonal flu are among people older than 65 or those who have chronic medical conditions.
These habits combined substantially increased the risk of death and made people who engaged in them seem 12 years older than people in the healthiest group.
As we grow older we have more and more people to remember, people who have died before us.
The object of the research was to work out whether these simple physical measures could be used to identify older people living in their own homes who might need more help.
The object of the research was to work out whether these simple physical measures could be used to identify older people living in their own homes who might need more help.