Shows the OLE DB provider used for this connection.
显示用于此连接的OLE DB提供程序。
Each OLE DB provider defines specific connection information.
每个OLE DB提供程序都定义了特定的连接信息。
The OLE DB Provider Template Architecture describes these interfaces in detail.
如需这些介面的详细资讯,请参阅 OLE DB提供者样板架构。
All the OLE DB provider classes are thread-safe, and registry entries are set accordingly.
所有ole DB提供程序类都是线程安全的,并且相应地设置注册表项。
The main reason to create an OLE DB provider is to take advantage of the Universal Data Access strategy.
建立OLE DB提供者主要是为了运用通用资料存取策略。
If you are using the ODBC OLE DB provider, as shown in the following example, the buffer must be 4 bytes.
如果您正在使用ODBCOLE DB提供者(如下列范例所示),该缓冲区必须是4个位元组。
This object is not directly supported by the OLE DB provider templates (that is, you must create your own object).
此对象不直接受ole DB提供程序模板的支持(即您必须创建自己的对象)。
For more information about advanced initialization properties, refer to the documentation provided with each specific OLE DB provider.
如需进阶初始设定属性的详细资讯,请参阅每个特定ole DB提供者所提供的文件。
Microsoft notes that ADO.NET (which can run on top of OLE DB) will still be supported, but that it will need to be updated to a non-OLE DB provider.
微软提到,他们会继续支持ADO.NET(它可以基于OLE DB运行),但是那需要更新为非ole DB的提供程序。
Run the OLE DB conformance tests (including ADO conformance tests) to ensure that your provider meets the level 0 standard for OLE DB providers.
运行ole DB一致性测试(包括ADO一致性测试),确保提供程序符合OLE DB提供程序的级别0标准。
OLE DB providers can access data from a variety of data sources and is not limited to SQL queries to retrieve data but rather can use queries as defined in the provider.
OLE DB提供程序可以从各种不同的数据源访问数据,而且并不仅限于用SQL查询来检索数据,而是可以使用提供程序中定义的任何查询。
This provider implements both the OLE DB specification and the specification's extensions for online analytical processing (OLAP) and data mining.
该提供者实现了OLE DB的规范,以及联机分析处理(OLAP)和数据挖掘的扩展规范。
Nor can you currently create ODBC data sources from ADO, despite the fact that your interface might be through the ODBC OLE DB service provider.
一般情况,你不能从ADO创建ODBC数据源,尽管实事上你的接口可能借助于ODBCOLE DB服务提供者。
This native provider provides an improved level of support over the ODBC and OLE DB generic managed providers for DB2.
它为DB 2提供了更好级别的支持,胜过DB2的odbc和ole DB通用(generic)托管提供程序。
Thus, a provider is any software component that implements OLE DB interfaces to encapsulate access to data and expose it to other objects (that is, consumers).
因此,提供程序是指任何一个实现OLE DB接口来封装数据访问并将其向其他对象(即,使用者)公开的软件组件。
The simplest type of provider supported by the OLE DB templates is a read-only provider with no commands.
OLE DB样板支援的最简单提供者类型为不含命令的唯读提供者。
Because providers are created in process, you can create some consumer code using the OLE DB consumer templates and step into the provider normally.
因为提供程序是在进程中创建的,可以用ole db使用者模板创建一些使用者代码,并按正常方式进入并单步执行提供程序。
Test the provider using a consumer application written with the OLE DB consumer templates.
使用以ole db使用者模板编写的使用者应用程序测试提供程序。
Test the provider using a consumer application written with the OLE DB consumer templates.
使用以ole db使用者模板编写的使用者应用程序测试提供程序。