Billions of people use social media on a daily basis to create, share, and exchange ideas, messages, and information.
It is not something we can afford to do on a daily basis, and there aren't too many organic farms around here.
The main reasons for city dwellers to commute on a daily basis is not just for work but also for study, business, shopping and their social life.
We should help our mothers do some housework like washing the dishes, doing the laundry and cooking on a daily basis.
On the other hand, it links these concepts to everyday realities in a manner which is parallel to the links journalists forge on a daily basis as they cover and comment on the news.
I have to prepare for bad weather on a daily basis, so I wear biking clothes and change when I get to my destination.
Many of our beliefs come from our environment, the world we live in on a daily basis.
Soak up motivating things in your life on a daily basis.
Communication is something we all engage in on a daily basis but due to the pace of our lives conversations become just formalities.
Yes, fine, but that was pretty clear before we started examining her triceps on a daily basis.
It is disheartening that only about a quarter of the American public, on average, finds news compelling on a daily basis.
What would I love to do on a daily basis utilizing both my skills and interests that will add significant value to people?
To motivate employees, managers need to recognize and reward achievements and progress toward goals by employees on a daily basis.
I use each of the Suggestions below to save time and remain sane on a daily basis.
Similarly, any tests that cover volatile areas of the code may need to be rerun on a daily basis.
It's important that the kids see how interest accumulates on a daily basis; monthly interest postings are not adequate.
It's not an original concept, but one that I use on a daily basis and that has helped me out tremendously.
Most of the problems we deal with on a daily basis are solved quite nicely by our standard sequential programs.
We all use argumentation on a daily basis, and you probably already have some skill at crafting an argument.
This should be done on a daily basis to catch issues (if any) sooner rather than later.
Besides, who understands flows, processes, machines, and products better than the people working with them on a daily basis?
Again, this group can have no members on a daily basis, as schema changes are rare and typically very controlled.
Everyone from our company need to be ready to learn new things almost on a daily basis.
You'll inform me of your detailed plans and update me on your schedule on a daily basis.
We are exposed to hundreds, if not thousands, of times more information on a daily basis than our great-grandparents were.
But I bow to the knowledge of those that are already thinking such thoughts on a daily basis.
I use each of the tips below to save time and remain sane on a daily basis.
Procrastination is a common stress trap that a lot of us get caught in on a daily basis.
Procrastination is a common stress trap that a lot of us get caught in on a daily basis.