Officially, the guard was to protect us. In fact, they were there to report on our movements.
A police spokesman said that this was the third bomb scare within a week and that we should all be on our guard.
An alone lighthouse stands guard on the Patagonia coast.
The ability to guard customer data is the key to market value, which the board is responsible for on behalf of shareholders.
Alo on display will be electronic engine control, currently in production to upgrade CH-47 and UH-60 helicopter engine for the U.S. Army and National Guard.
In the early twentieth century, small magazines and the inventive graphics used on them created the face of the avant-guard.
If people knew that other motives might compromise the accuracy of their beliefs, most would probably try to be on their guard.
After spotting a wallet on the front seat inside a parked car with its window down, he stood guard in the rain for about two hours waiting for the owner to return.
Standing permanently on guard at the fulcrum of competing privatised arms of the state, armed with his suitcase of his rivals' commercial secrets, is a more tedious occupation.
Distrust increases tension and negative "on guard" behavior, which can erode the spirit of the team and ultimately productivity.
These two girls had been above an hour in the place, happily employed in visiting an opposite milliner, watching the sentinel on guard, and dressing a sallad and cucumber.
The original meaning is that punishment for someone can serve as a warning to others. But people now use the idiom to indicate that premature actions which put the enemy on guard.
Then they turn gracefully and walk past the two police officers on guard-the officers try not to stare-into the hotel ballroom.
In the absence of a common goal or common enemy, they prefer to be on guard against each other.
On guard: Mexico City is at a virtual standstill.
We must also be on guard that we don't confuse such objective qualities as "oiliness" or "big-capness" or "consumerness" with what actually drives stock prices from day to day.
The animal that goes to a favorite food-foraging location and sees signs that a predator was there - but not the predator itself - may be on guard the next time.
在某些情况下,我们会幻想自己的先人又复活了。 “一个动物到它最喜欢觅食地点,看到有个食肉动物一在那里的迹象,但不是食肉动物本身,可能是上次(下次)在那里站岗。
There are also certain ways to tell if someone is lying to help keep yourself on guard.
After all, cities are hyper-social places, in which residents must be constantly on guard, and have mathematically more opportunity to experience stressful interaction.
But the soldiers who stood on guard dropped their halberts across the entrance, and said roughly to him, 'What is thy business in the city?'
A few hours earlier, Li had reminded us again to be on guard against thieves, but Handy said, “Italy is not as chaotic as they made it seem. It sounded really terrifying.”
Around 3,000 Indonesian soldiers and police are on guard to protect the mining facilities.
Jackson has called on guard Jordan Farmar, Vujacic and Walton to carry his bench in the first three rounds of the postseason.
Around 3, 000 Indonesian soldiers and police are on guard to protect the mining facilities.
A few hours earlier, li had reminded us again to be on guard against thieves, but Handy said, "Italy is not as chaotic as they made it seem."
Red means pass where no police on guard; red means pass where it is far away from city center.
Especially are we urged to be on guard against those infatuating attempts to breach the barricades of the mind.
Especially are we urged to be on guard against those infatuating attempts to breach the barricades of the mind.