The hook in the ceiling had given way and the lamp had fallen blazing on to the table.
To what extent Hook is to blame for his tactics on this occasion is for the historian to decide.
Hook rose to the rock to breathe, and at the same moment Peter scaled it on the opposite side.
The white dress is hanging on the hook; it was washed in the teapot, and dried on the roof.
This time she noticed a hook at one end, and there were several words on the bottom of the box: Hang on a sunny window.
One fear that would prove all too real was that in the extreme swings, some — but not all — trades would later be canceled, leaving them on the hook for unwanted positions.
But such arrangements still leave taxpayers on the hook for pension costs.
For taxpayers relief at being repaid should be tempered by the fact that they are still on the hook for these too-big-to-fail firms.
He proceeded to hang his coat and hat on the hook that he had drawn in chalk (really on the nail, of course).
Although a great recruiter "can get an A-player on the hook," you're the one who will need to reel that candidate in.
"The Finns party made a huge impact last spring all over Europe," he remembers with satisfaction. "The Portuguese bailout was on the hook for nearly one-and-a-half months because of us.
But with taxpayers suddenly on the hook for gigantic bank losses, even as revenues plunged, the nation's creditworthiness was put in doubt.
Creditors that own swaps lower their risk of a debtor not paying back a loan, because a third-party insurer is on the hook for some of the unpaid debt.
Big institutional investors are getting a taste of what many frustrated taxpayers experienced during the financial crisis: Being on the hook for losses of a major financial firm against their wishes.
Nobody wants to put taxpayers on the hook for the financial industry's follies; we can all hope that, in the end, a bailout won't be necessary.
Suddenly AIG was on the hook for billions, with Goldman Sachs the creditor-in-chief.
In Muskoka taxpayers are on the hook for a refurbished steamboat that won't even float until the summit is over, and new outdoor toilets 20km from the meeting site.
Even where borrowers are on the hook, lenders often find it too costly to pursue unpaid debts.
But any Banks that let quality control slip last year may still be on the hook - and not just due to regulatory action.
Your company is on the hook for that money, whether it's a $20 ATM withdrawal or a multimillion-dollar electronic funds transfer.
无论是20 美元的ATM 自动取款还是数百万的电子转账,您的公司都是与钱挂钩的。
In this case, AIG managed to take a business specifically designed to be low risk, low return and amp it into another dicey venture - with taxpayers on the hook.
Or maybeyou've borrowed money from family and friends and you're on the hook topay them back, ASAP.
A public reckoning by Congress is needed before taxpayers are put on the hook.
K12 was paid $1.5 million last year to provide the curriculum, technology and management services for the charter school, and is on the hook to the school for any claims or challenges to its validity.
"The Finns party made a huge impact last spring all over Europe," he remembers with satisfaction."The Portuguese bailout was on the hook for nearly one-and-a-half months because of us.
Its shareholders have also agreed to guarantee 1 billion of losses on assets in the bad bank and they remain on the hook if losses go higher still.
Most guesses, based on the idea that BP will have coastline and sea largely clean within a year, put the company on the hook for a further $5 billion-10 billion.
Its borrowing will be guaranteed by euro-zone countries, and Mr Regling's native Germany could be on the hook for euro148 billion of those guarantees.
Its borrowing will be guaranteed by euro-zone countries, and Mr Regling's native Germany could be on the hook for euro148 billion of those guarantees.