Balance can be balance by location of objects such as Windows on a house, balance by volume or sizes of objects, balance by color (like desired brightness in a room).
The results show that the stiffness is dependent not only on the pressure and volume at static balance, but also on the change rates of efficient area and volume.
Based on that, the numerical of product leakage and its method of solving are proposed, which include volume balance calculations, heat transfer models and transients fluid flow models.
Now, it has been used in researching volume balance and phase relations of fluid and amending on temperature in a very wide range of pressuretemperaturecomponents.
Based on the compaction model of sandstone mudstone alternating beds, we advance a new formula for formation grain density, which conforms to grain volume and mass balance law.
Methods for determination oil volume on tin plate surface were reviewed, which include gravimetry, hydrophil balance method, molecular spectrometry and ellipsometry etc.
Arguably this is the broadest range of stand-up paddle boards on the market with a unique balance of SUP-specific volume distribution and rocker.
Arguably this is the broadest range of stand-up paddle boards on the market with a unique balance of SUP-specific volume distribution and rocker.