In some cases, the law insists that directors ought to know about dodgy goings-on, even if they do not.
Usually expats are not my sort of people, but this group are a well-travelled and interesting lot, who keep me entertained with stories of murky goings-on across the Caucuses, Africa and the Gulf.
Bankers said the dramatic goings-on at the top of HSBC were totally out of character with the group's reputation for smooth, quiet, consensus-based management.
The first cautionary lesson from these unseemly goings-on is that America's corporate-governance mess is still, alas, unresolved.
Other families are fractured and distant, with medical goings on swept under the rug for the sake of not worrying children.
In fact, the word “consent” barely begins to describe the goings-on between me and the gorgeous girls’ gym teacher at my rural co-educational school in the 1960s.
And these are the goings out of the city on the north side, four thousand and five hundred measures.
Organize your life with a simple calendar (I use Google Calendar) and enter all activities and appointments on this one calendar, from kids’ stuff to your own goings on.
Emily would saddle up and ride Muffin gently around on the race day to get her used to lots of bustle and comings and goings on.
Then one Saturday morning my attention was drawn to the odd goings-on of our two youngest sons .
The crowd of idlers who had assembled to watch the goings-on.
It's not the first time ghostly goings-on have been reported.
Now, Mike Shannon was no angel, but his words revealed a real-world picture of the goings-on in the office.
Organize your life with a simple calendar and enter all activities and appointments on this one calendar, from kids' stuff to your own goings on.
The "goings on" of aspasia were of course a fruitful vineyard for the inventions of the street .
Forced out of the room where she was accustomed to write, Emily retreated to the floor above, from where the goings -on downstairs were clearly audible.
The idea is to simply observe the thoughts and impressions, but at the same time subtly detach yourself from the machinations and goings on inside.
The outer projecting portion of the ear . There was shouting, and loud music, and all sorts of goings-on I can't describe!
And this stability allows investigators to track the goings-on in cells and tissues for longer intervals than can now be achieved.
Aren't you ashamed of yourself? What do you think your father, my old friend, would have said if he had been here to-night, and had known of all your goings on?
It is true that the five steps listed above encompass much of the goings-on at American social gatherings.
Now go to the National Day, there are many small shops are on sale, in order to celebrate National Day, there are many comings and goings of vehicle on the road.
Now go to the National Day, there are many small shops are on sale, in order to celebrate National Day, there are many comings and goings of vehicle on the road.