There was a clutter of bottles and tubes on the shelf.
Theoretically, the price is supposed to be marked on the shelf.
Nothing was on TV, so I felt bored and touched the candles on the shelf…I had an idea! What would happen if I set fire to some kitchen paper?
Go down this aisle, pass the garden tools, you'll find them on the shelf next to the light bulbs.
But when she took the blue coat, there on the shelf behind all of the dark coats, hidden like a spring flower in winter darkness, there, as if by magic, was a pink coat.
Even the Elf on the Shelf phenomenon, which has succeeded in commercializing Santa's disciplinary function, can be a little creepy, some experts say.
Seeing the old hymn-book on the shelf, Heidi said: "Grandmother, shall I read you a song from your book now?"
Put the books back on the shelf after reading, or Dad will be unhappy.
She always did it, following the same steps—from picking the fruit to setting the finished jelly on the shelf.
As mentors, we have seen a good many software process and policy books gathering dust on the shelf.
I come from a generation for whom the books and records on the shelf signaled, in some way, who you were.
Visit any natural grocer or health food store and look at any veggie cheese or soy cheese product on the shelf.
The fact is, food makers often let you believe what you want when the truth would have you leaving their product on the shelf.
I've put the book on the shelf reserved for books I reference frequently.
When asked in a recent interview how he selects his projects, he simply said he follows his interests and that he likes to get things "on the shelf".
You get the freedom you desire and both of you absolutely hate confrontation; therefore, problems are just put on the shelf.
你能从他/她那儿得到想要的自由。 不过你们都讨厌当面质问,所以问题经常被束之高阁。
With Grameen now thriving and the Nobel on the shelf, what will Mr Yunus do next?
Assuming that Bobby gets his Legos put away to your satisfaction, you can move on to another task, such as putting his picture books on the shelf or placing his dirty clothes in the hamper.
The delicate balance is almost impossible: Keep just enough in stock to service customers promptly and fulfill orders, yet not so much that product is left languishing on the shelf.
If they decide to make it, they can put it on the shelf in Toronto in two weeks or less, partly because they ship by air.
The problem with this is, unfortunately, fake and impure honey can be passed off as pure very easily. When viewed on the shelf, it is very hard to pick out what is pure, and what is not.
The watchman tucked Corduroy under his arm and carried him down the escalator and set him on the shelf in the toy department with the other animals and dolls.
Leave the cheap ones on the shelf; they're better suited for cleaning grout than oral hygiene.
Then one day, shortly before Easter, three bunny rabbits were placed on the shelf beside him.
In other words, it may be tough to recoup the rent through crop sales, especially since high-rise crops would compete on the shelf with food that grows on cheap, building-free flatland farms.
Checking the unit price on the shelf tag, which expresses the cost divided by quantity, is a key way to find the best deal.
Setup: Load the operating system, install any updates put out since the machine was manufactured, and set it on the shelf.
The cups ranked neatly on the shelf.
To promote their product, the manufacturers of Listerine employed the personal experience of girls at the time, who desperately wanted to settle down but seemed always to be left on the shelf.
That would be enough to give a unique identification code to each item in a supermarket, along with information like how long the item has been on the shelf, Tour says.