With its command economy, China is able to mobilise resources on a massive scale at speed.
At its current rate of metro and road construction, India is headed for gridlock on a massive scale.
A host of global health initiatives sprung up, with many designed to deliver life-saving interventions on a massive scale.
What makes the structure at Stonehenge unique is the fact that for the first time they're shaping stones on a massive scale.
What makes the structure at Stonehenge unique is the fact that for the first time they "re shaping stones on a massive scale."
What makes the structure at Stonehenge 3 unique is the fact that for the first time they're shaping stones on a massive scale.
At one extreme lie public-work schemes of the kind introduced in the 1930s and now used on a massive scale in India (see article).
But there could be resistance to policies which actually cost a lot of money, such as the support of offshore wind on a massive scale.
Rigid chips and circuit boards will not be going away any time soon, because they are so inexpensive to manufacture on a massive scale.
China, which has agreed to build and renovate 6,000km of roads in Congo, reportedly wants to cultivate oil palm there on a massive scale.
This increases knowledge transfer on a massive scale, while allowing the knowledge to be modified to fit the context of individual projects.
But China, with urbanisation and income growth on a massive scale, is clearly different from Dubai's model of "build it and they will come."
In the pastoral areas of northern Kenya, southern Ethiopia and south Somalia the death of livestock on a massive scale has sharpened conflict.
Working together, whether on international trade, nuclear nonproliferation, or disease prevention, can yield global public goods on a massive scale.
Major Wall Street firms routinely engage in naked short selling on a massive scale, though we cannot measure it, because of the way they account for it.
华尔街各大公司常常大规模参与无货卖空(nakedshort selling),但由于各家公司阐述不同,我们无法对此进行衡量。
The limited funds of the Zionist movement made it unable to afford such a policy on a massive scale, though some steps in that direction were taken.
Farming is inherently bad for the environment: since humans took it up around 11,000 years ago, the result has been deforestation on a massive scale.
Farming is inherently bad for the environment: since humans took it up around 11, 000 years ago, the result has been deforestation on a massive scale.
Our daily lives and public safety depend onpower and electric grids, but potential adversaries could use cybervulnerabilities to disrupt them on a massive scale.
The functional circuit, even though it is so complex, is in a sense being configured every second, every minute that we live, and on a massive scale within the brain.
As China moves forward with its urbanization on a massive scale, almost simultaneous developments of very large tracts of land are the norm rather than the exception.
Speaking yesterday Abdullah, who alleges fraud took place on a massive scale, expressed concern that Galbraith had been pushed out for campaigning to prevent electoral fraud.
Most of all, the Shanghai world Expo will be another encounter on a massive scale between China and the world - only it will last for far longer than the Beijing Olympics.
Most of all, the Shanghai world Expo will be another encounter on a massive scale between China and the world - only it will last for far longer than the Beijing Olympics.