All prices above are based on CASH payment.
Calculation and payment of interest on cash collateral.
Small savers, in contrast, depend more on cash deposits.
To read and record totals shown on cash registers tape and verify against cash on hand.
Investors are betting on a vibrant recovery. With returns on cash so low, they have little choice.
In all business firms, revenues and expenses may be measured either on cash basis or accrual basis.
Banks are simply sitting on cash in spite of the taxpayer bailouts - an example of crony capitalism at its best.
Firms worried about future sales, low on cash and deprived of credit, may too readily fire workers without a subsidy.
At present, there are several methods of valuation, and the more widely used method is the one based on cash flow.
Over the past 50 years, the earnings yield has averaged around five percentage points higher than the return on cash.
Roger Urwin of Watson Wyatt, a firm of consultants, describes an overconcentration on cash as “reckless conservatism”.
咨询公司华信惠悦(Watson Wyatt)的RogerUrwin把这种现金的过度集中形容为”不计后果的保守主义”。
But now an inventor has solved the problem with a set of 'smart' wallets that actually tell you when you are low on cash.
That's almost surely false: the evidence strongly says that the real reason businesses are sitting on cash is lack of consumer demand.
This chapter explores the impact of currency fluctuations on cash flows, on assets and liabilities, and on the real business of the firm.
Italians still rely heavily on cash-last year they made only 66 non-cash transactions per person compared with about 170 in the euro zone.
As much as we'd like the world not to rely so heavily on cash, the simple fact is that without some, we're severely limited in what we're able to do.
This will be a multi-post effort and will include posts on cash flow, profit and loss, balance sheets, GAAP accounting, audits, and financial statement analysis.
Mr Moller is no longer involved in the business day to day, but he keeps an eye on cash flow and gives advice to the chief executive, who is not a family member.
But, occasionally, through haste or carelessness, mistakes were made, so that at the end of the business day one teller would be short on cash, the other long.
Even auto loans aren't necessarily bad debt, although as I said above, it's possible to save up enough money to buy a decent used car on cash so you can avoid getting into that debt.
Investors are enthusiastic about buying fixed-income assets, even though yields are low by historical standards and the returns on cash (particularly in America and Britain) are as attractive.
Investors are enthusiastic about buying fixed-income assets, even though yields are low by historical standards and the returns on cash (particularly in America and Britain) are as attractive.