The American economy is on course for higher inflation than Britain by the end of the year.
They are on course to get down to the required depth in August.
The commission says the EU is on course to do only half as well.
That's why the ability to recover quickly and get back on course is so important.
Greece has 800, 000 civil servants, of whom 150, 000 are on course to lose their jobs.
Small wonder the bank is on course to set aside over $20 billion for salaries and bonuses.
I still struggle to stay on course - sometimes losing sight of my goals - but I do my best.
Like a finely tuned precision automobile, your life stays on course with the slightest touch of steering.
Last week the Congressional Budget Office said that the national debt is on course to triple in ten years.
But this recession is still on course to be second only to the Depression in terms of companies going bust.
But the chance that we're on course to render big chunks of the planet uninhabitable sort of eclipses that.
但是按规定我们有机会提出“不适宜地球居住的大块”(big chunksofthe planet uninhabitable)等如同日食一样的提案。
They provide a simple task worksheet at the end of the chapter that make it simple to keep a project on course.
The best way to stay on course is frequent self-monitoring; use as many behavior-modification tools, support groups.
在规定的过程中,最好的方法是经常的自我反省。 你最好尽可能多的利用行为矫正工具、支援小组。
In 2003, the firm sold just over 2m yuans worth of goods; this year it is on course to bring in up to 90m yuan.
Degrees Fahrenheit, or -273.15 degrees Celsius, keep the protons on course and accelerate them to higher speeds.
15度之上1.9 K华氏3.4度的液氦冷却的强大超导磁体,用于确保质子的运行并且将之加速到更高的速度。
Although that seemed ominous for bipartisan co-operation, Republican senators were on course to vote for the deal.
That is why the euro zone has said it will call on the experts at the IMF to help ensure that Greece stays on course.
On the other side of the ledger, China's surplus is on course to fall by half from its 2007 peak, of 11% of GDP, by 2010.
After the Colorado river flooded in 1905, it took 1500 workers and half a million tons of rock to put the river back on course.
The standard flight rule for all aircraft is to avoid any thunderstorm activity, and yet Frank shows no fear by staying on course.
Sony's profit plummeted in the last three months of 2008. The Japanese electronics giant is on course to make a record annual loss.
Profits were on course to bounce back to $55 billion, after combined losses for Wall Street's finance houses of $43 billion in 2008.
This meant that it was more important than ever to track progress, keep the vision on course, and carefully plan each iteration and increment.
Anyone who has steered a boat knows how much effort is needed to keep the boat on course when currents are pushing it in different directions.
Newark, one of America's grimmer cities, also has one of the country's highest concentrations of charter schools and is on course to have more.
The analysis follows temperature data released by Nasa and Noaa in the US, which also suggest that 2010 is on course to be the hottest year on record.
For decades a human pilot's eyes, sense of balance and hands were simply the best way to guide a flying machine, stay on course and cope with problems.
Chinese wine production is on course to increase by 77 percent this year compared to last year, while understanding fine wines has become a social must.
The world’s second-largest economy had surpassed America in gross national product per person according to some measures, and looked on course to overtake it.
The world’s second-largest economy had surpassed America in gross national product per person according to some measures, and looked on course to overtake it.