Focus on nutrition, not on dieting.
And at least some people appear to have given up on dieting to control their weight, the survey found.
Few people are dieting, and the extra weight that most people have on their bodies is already literally costing them years of life due to weight-related diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.
On their treadmills and over their salads, they dream of a quick fix that doesn't require excessive dieting and exercise.
Parental fixations on weight, children's urges toward perfectionism, family conflicts, and a $40 billion-a-year dieting industry can all lead girls to disorders.
On average, the study participants lost about 13 lbs. after six months of dieting, or about 7% of their starting weight, regardless of which diet plan they followed.
The researchers have not yet reported on the number of deaths in the dieting and normal monkey groups.
And if your weight-loss goals are beyond reach, you're more likely to feel frustrated and discouraged and give up on your dieting plans.
Follow me on Twitter for the felt-melting weight loss tips I come across every day as the editor-in-chief of Men's Health magazine-and lose your belly without ever dieting again.
Others were neither overweight nor dieting, but they had scored high on a psychological test that measured their ability to stop eating when they wanted to.
Researchers in Canada looked at fifty-two overweight women who'd been dieting on and off for an average of eighteen years.
Millions of Americans want to lose weight. On their treadmills and over their salads, they dream of a quick fix that doesn't require excessive dieting and exercise.
I was able to lose 50 pounds without dieting on the weekends.
Interestingly enough, consumers are less enamored with dieting than ever - rather, there's been a shift in focus, wherein people are focused on their health.
What is not known is whether people on diets are impulsive in the first place or whether the process of dieting itself leads to increased impulsiveness.
Don't try to take on two challenging tasks at once, if you can help it (like quitting smoking and dieting at the same time).
Despite spending billions of dollars on weight-loss drugs and dieting programs, even the most motivated are working against their own biology.
Dietary experts can advise on the ins and outs of dieting.
Kelly Brownell is going to talk — is head of the Rudd Center, focuses on obesity, eating disorders, dieting, and he'll talk about the psychology of food.
Schow says. She stopped the extreme dieting and concentrated on counting calories and getting exercise, eventually running four times a week and doing yoga and Zumba.
It found the most common triggers to start dieting was seeing their reflection in the mirror, preparing for a summer holiday or unflattering photos posted on social networking sites.
It might be procrastinating on updating your resume and missing a huge opportunity, or spending a night in front of the refrigerator after dieting for three months.
This questionnaire contained demography data, health status, medical health care status, dieting status, physical fitness attendance, health learning, smoking, drinking of residents and so on.
This questionnaire contained demography data, health status, medical health care status, dieting status, physical fitness attendance, health learning, smoking, drinking of residents and so on.