It is quite possible that some old application being ported to Linux are based on draft 4 of pthreads.
Influence factor on draft force in spinning draft and relation of top apron tension & yarn quality is analyzed.
But that changed on draft day, when FIBA sent out another letter saying that Lampe does not have a buyout clause.
Focusing on draft beer foam stability, the paper puts much attention to the deciding factors, decline principle and control technology.
When the Knicks dealt him to Portland for Zach Randolph on draft night, Francis immediately began thinking of a possible return to Houston.
Beer on draft is one of beer kingdom strange flower, the proportion in world beer consumption is higher and higher, had exceeded 60% in Europe.
In Germany, for instance, a team at the finance ministry is working on draft amendments to the stock exchange and securities laws to implement MiFID.
The research on draft gears for freight cars in Russia is introduced, especially the characteristics of the resilient rubber draft gears are described in detail.
Therefore, the accuracy of draft marks detection can protect the shipper, checker and the consignee's interests. Research on draft marks detection is significant.
Shooting and attacking the rim from the jump, this is the kind of player the team envisioned when it traded future All-Star Brandon Roy to Portland on draft night for Foye and cash.
跳投和不断攻击篮筐,这是选秀日球队将未来的全明星球员布兰登-罗伊(Brandon Roy)交易到开拓者换来弗耶和一些现金时想要的球员类型。
Carter's greatest fears on draft not were not realized, however, as one of the greatest athletes of his generation managed to navigate the stairs to the draft stage without a glitch.
Right Stewart, well I've read your draft report on your work placement at the Central Museum Association.
Now as well as your own draft report, I've also received some written evaluation from the association on the work you did during your placement, and how it was of benefit to them.
Once you have a first draft on paper, you can delete material that is unrelated to your thesis and add material necessary to illustrate your points and make your paper convincing.
I could have just drawn a trapezoid directly on my fabric, but I made a paper pattern to better illustrate how to draft the correct shape.
The first draft will appear on the page only if you stop avoiding the inevitable and sit, stand up, or lie down to write.
A llama, the only draft animal on the continent, could carry 70 pounds of gear on its back.
After polishing a new draft, they raised Clinton on the phone.
He refused to say what the disagreements were about or to give any specifics on the draft proposal.
Another student I knew in grad school was told not to defend, based on the draft of his dissertation. He overruled his committee's advice, and failed his defense.
As I've worked on the draft of my Happiness Project book (self-promotion alert: it comes out in January), I kept a pile of all the print-outs I've made.
The parties concerned are now discussing on the draft of Kuala Lumpur Declaration proposed by ASEAN.
The IASB has just released its exposure draft on bad debt rules, with the FASB expected to issue its draft by the end of the year or early 2010.
A: China supports the efforts of the parties concerned in reaching an early agreement on the draft accord proposed by the former IAEA Director General Mohamed El Baradei.
I won't name names, but recently I had to work with a group of people on a draft of a book.
A report commissioned by the European Parliament on the draft concluded that it was "poorly constructed, ill-focused and premature."
A report commissioned by the European Parliament on the draft concluded that it was "poorly constructed, ill-focused and premature."