I will be on even keel within 30 minutes.
Jason had helped him out with a series of loans, until he could get back on an even keel.
She does almost everything on an even keel.
But I still have plenty to learn about keeping my life on an even keel, as I realized this month.
On the positive side, keeping your blood sugar on an even keel can help you feel better and stay mentally sharp.
This should keep energy levels on an even keel, making it easier to cut back on sugar.
But foreign aid, in the form of money or military men, may not be enough to ensure that Liberia under Ms Johnson Sirleaf stays on an even keel.
Eating the right breakfast, one that keeps blood sugar on an even keel until lunch, is likely to work even better.
Lunch is the second-most-important meal of the day in your weight-loss plan. It boosts your energy level and regulates your metabolism to keep you on an even keel.
When you've got to keep an eye on your Twitter, an eye on your girlfriend, and an eye on your work, even your third eye is working overtime just to keep even keel.
当你必须一边盯着你的微博客t witter,一边盯着你的女朋友,而且还要关注你的工作,甚至你的“第三只眼”要经常超额工作,仅仅是为了保证一切都稳稳当当,这种情况下,你该怎么办。
Facing up to your debts is the first step to getting back on an even keel.
Later on, Ludwig carried his business to a new stage of development: He got another tanker designed, Before the keel was even laid, a common carrier was persuaded to charter it after its completion.
The genes that control the stress response keep most people on a fairly even keel, only occasionally priming the body for fight or flight.
Women like her seldom stay on an even keel. Even the smallest things upset them.
This will save a lot of calories. It will also help keep sugar cravings in check, and blood sugar levels on an even keel.
Some people value sudden change and excitement, while others prefer to keep themselves and situations on an even keel.
You're back on your usual lovely even keel starting sometime Thursday through Saturday, and the way you understand people and solve problems makes for a remarkable combination.
You're back on your usual lovely even keel starting sometime Thursday through Saturday, and the way you understand people and solve problems makes for a remarkable combination.