He had to feed his family on the equivalent of seven hundred dollars a month and, with five mouths to feed, he found this very hard.
We would say that this whole area over which it migrates is its habitat because on this long-distance journey, it needs to come down to feed and sleep every so often, right?
Their ability to feed themselves has been an important source of relative stability both within the countries and on world food markets.
Their teams of engineers stayed on, making them two of the many "acqui-hires" that the biggest companies have used to feed their great hunger for tech talent.
As hare density increases, the quantity of these twigs decreases, forcing the hares to feed on low-quality high-fiber food.
They should then be able to gauge the extent to which individual birds depend on using sticks to feed themselves.
Further research has shown that caterpillars become virtually immune to the wilt virus as the trees on which they feed respond to increasing defoliation.
This means that king penguins, which feed on fish and krill in this body of water, have to travel further to their feeding grounds, leaving their hungry chicks for longer.
When your child throws her spoon on the floor for the sixth time as you try to feed her, and you say, "That's enough! I will not pick up your spoon again!" the child will immediately test your claim.
While I was slow to accept that I would be the one to keep track of her shots, to schedule her vet appointments, to feed and clean her, Misty knew this on day one.
The crabs come closer to shore at this time of year, Child said, where they feed on the seaweed.
Furthermore, in the effort to feed the hosts of people on this planet, the focus on factory and intensive farming methods is being cited as a key factor in climate change.
Natural selection favors the parasites that are best able to find and feed on hosts.
The ants therefore cultivate these fungi in their nests, bringing them leaves to feed on, and then use them as a source of food.
To feed the seven billion people on Earth, most farmers today are growing only species of plants and farming only species of animals that are easy to produce in large numbers.
They prefer to stay in the cool shelter of the jungle, coming out at night to feed on the vegetation on the fringe of the jungle.
Nature, however, is very clever, and predators also use colors to attract the animals they feed on.
They feed on tiny things in sea water and help to keep the water clean in the process.
Birds feed on worms. A bird will go hungry if it cannot catch worms. The bird that gets up early is sure to get some food, so the early bird catches the worm.
On one recent day, this doctor was Daniel Nadeau, wandering the cereal aisle with Allison Scott, giving her some idea on how to feed kids who persistently avoid anything that is healthy.
French farmers in Normandy say that eels will leave rivers on spring nights and find their way to vegetable patches to feed on peas.
Remarkably, its tongue is longer than its entire body, allowing it to feed on a variety of tiny insects from small crickets to moths, spiders and even locusts.
He's getting creative with his wheat crop this spring to save on feed and fuel.
He says most people do not know that female mosquitoes feed on sweet plant nectars to survive.
That predator shrimp takes the opportunity to feed on dying animals that get caught in volcanic bursts of activity.
Most do not need to rely on food parcels from the church to feed themselves, but everyone is going back to basics.
As if new moms don't have enough to worry about, the debate rages on about the best way to feed newborns.
The only danger is that these currency appreciations begin to feed on themselves, tempting "carry-traders" to make money by stoking the process for as long as they can.
Support the capacity of all countries to feed themselves by strategies based on the right to food.
Support the capacity of all countries to feed themselves by strategies based on the right to food.