Sometimes a poem that seems boring on first reading becomes interesting with more reading.
On first reading, Mr Hill’s new collection, “Clavics”, does little to dispel this difficult image.
But you can be sure that they have greater depth and coherence than one notices on first reading.
On first reading, these ten findings may seem too abstract to be of much practical help to architecture.
There are many legitimate sites that, on first reading, appear to be using rude domain names. Often it is not until you take a second look that you realise that they can also be innocent.
Oatley was not involved in the new research, but worked on some of the first studies to suggest that reading literature can boost people's empathy for others.
In the most recent test, which focused on science, Finland's students placed first in science and near the top in math and reading, according to results released late last year.
(And remember, you'll get more out of reading Derrida on Plato if you read Plato first.)
The first result might take you to the fourth page of the thread; click on "first" and start reading.
On reflection I think he had his wisdom in two sources: First, his own life experience and rational thinking based on his experience. He liked to ponder over his life by reading his book.
Plenty of time for online shopping and reading first. On the eve of the deadline, she hadn’t worked out a single word.
Plenty of time for online shopping and reading first. On the eve of the deadline, she hadn't worked out a single word.
It MAY seem a long way from the inky blocks used in the first printing presses to the electronic bits and bytes that make up this article if you are reading it on the World Wide Web.
Recently, one of the reporters covering Capitol Hill stopped me on the way to my office and mentioned that she had enjoyed reading my first book.
While the agents are busy doing steps 3 and 4 above, the union operator (run by the coordinator agent) starts reading data from the SHIP buffer on the first leg of the union.
I learned these main issues by first reading them over, thinking about them, reflecting on them, then without looking at my notes, by trying to recite them in my own words.
That time could have been spent with your family, on the beach, reading, or working on your first book.
That was the first time I'd ever lived in China. My understanding of the country was still rather superficial, based as it was on reading rather than experience.
Presumably, said Mr Roberts, you must first turn on the lamp and pick up your reading glasses?
Good for reading the paper, watching a movie and everything in between, TruFocals glasses are the first spectacles to offer adjustable focus on the go.
Well if you are a nice person keep reading because I am going to give you a few tips on how you can be nice and still finish first.
The first consumer e-books, which were released in the 1990s, failed to catch on among consumers who were stuck reading them on computers or tiny cellphone screens.
Take notes on headings and first sentence of each paragraph before reading the chapter itself.
Meanwhile, the budget passed its first reading on October 25th.
Then follow on down the page reading each question to yourself and listening for those first words, sentences or phrases to pop into you mind and then writing down what you perceived.
Finally, the QUESTIONS themselves provide valuable hints about the ideas contained in the passage as well as specific information to look for on your first reading.
Finally, the QUESTIONS themselves provide valuable hints about the ideas contained in the passage as well as specific information to look for on your first reading.