Some security crackers end up using their powers for good, providing penetration testing services or otherwise making efforts on the side of the angels.
Normally, this is a very good behavior because it prevents cross-site scripting security vulnerabilities from occurring when you access pages on the Web.
On the other hand, there are several security systems that provide good, powerful administration, from user registration down to managing permissions, and that could be adapted to be JACC providers.
另一方面,有几种安全系统能够提供出色、强大的管理,从用户注册一直到管理权限,而且可以通过修改成为 JACC 提供程序。
It's generally good practice only to use SSL on pages that absolutely require the transport security that the protocol provides.
Bob had written some good books on the need for greater labor-management cooperation and the importance of both flexibility and security in the modern workplace.
These permissions are changeable by using the chmod command and are generally good enough for most of the file security on the system.
The following day, on my way to work, as the security guard said hello to me, I wished him a good morning back and said, "After we spent all that time talking yesterday, I still don't know your name."
But most of those who served on the security detail were fine people who did their jobs well, and several of them became good friends.
On one hand, this is all good news, because it means job security for yours truly.
To buy food and good clothes to our beloved children, we need money. But you can not use the money to give a sense of security, responsibility, good manners and intelligence on your child.
But you can not use the money to give a sense of security, responsibility, good manners and intelligence on your child.
The article presents the application of customer relationship Management based on Data Warehouse in security trade for keeping good relationships with customers and promoting core competitive.
The good news is, we can take milk and baby food on board in our carry-on luggage. But there is a chance that the security staff might ask us to taste it.
Security in. NET 4.0 has been completely redesigned. There are sever articles on the MSDN on this, a good starting point is here and here.
的安全。NET 4.0已经完全重新设计。MSDN上有切断的文章,是一个很好的起点在这里和在这里。
Starting from how to establish a good BBS content security monitoring system, this paper researches on BBS structure, and sums up BBS language phenomena.
It is widely studied for its good performance, such as high security, decentralization of management and so on.
We should focus on safe and stable with a good grasp of security risk in the relationship among the risks must see a smooth, steady and among the signs that saw steady under pressure.
Confirming the power system transmission capability has good effect on restricting the actions of the trade and assuring the security of the grid.
With the popularity of EFI, this model has a good prospect in achieving security on computer system.
High-altitude operations personnel should wear a good helmet, the Department of security on behalf of the job.
Only by relying on scientific and effective management of information security, having good skills, and the implementation of standardized safeguards good results can be achieved.
On internal cause, taking good block-crack, anti-fatigue, anti-impactive steel-fibre concrete pipe can confirm security of the construction and reduce distributed steel.
The depender graph trust model has good redundancy, and weakening the security of single CA will have not effect on the whole trust architecture seriously.
The online examination system designed in this paper has the versatility, good scalability and security, and ease of maintenance and so on, can meet the current needs of the online exam.
The utility model can automatically and quickly dry the clothes, automatically detect and alarm and timely extinguish the fire when the closet is on fire. The security is good and use is convenient.
本实用新型可自动快速地烘干衣物,当柜内着火时可自动检测报警并及时灭火,安全性好, 使用也非常方便。
On the contrary, the low level of corporate brands are keen on low-value brand, good on price, the domestic enterprises such Security is too many, so this is not illustrated.
The obligation to return the dowry and to pay the jointure (ketubah) served as a good security against divorce on insufficient grounds.
Tests show that the system has good performances on communication effects and security.
Tests show that the system has good performances on communication effects and security.