All too often, the books treasured up for the summer are still unread on Labor Day.
Inline, road racing and 100K Pro Cycling events held annually in Atlanta, Georgia on Labor Day.
After a patch was removed from her eye on Labor Day, Thornton could begin to make out faces for the first time since 2000.
You ate the first of them on the Fourth of July and spit your last seeds on Labor Day, when you were just about sick of watermelon anyway.
Finn M.W. Caspersen, the heir and former chief of the Beneficial Corp., the consumer-finance company, committed suicide on Labor Day on the grounds of the Shelter Harbor Golf Club in Westerly, r.i..
消费金融公司BeneficialCorp .的继承人、前任首席执行长芬恩·卡斯·帕森(FinnM.W . Caspersen)于9月7日劳工节当天在罗德岛州韦斯特利的ShelterHarbor高尔夫俱乐部里自杀身亡。
The Labor Day in 2011 falls on a Sunday.
May Day, also known as Labor Day, is celebrated on May 1st in China.
There are extensive day care and child care subsidies, which in part counteracts the effects of high taxes on female labor supply.
UNLIKE Europeans, Americans do not celebrate May Day. Their Labor Day falls instead on the first Monday in September.
InStyle magazine did a great feature on fashion rules the stars love to break. In it, Rachel Bilson sounded off on the white after labor day rule, saying "Forget the old rules."
Dil stretched out on the bed, his body still covered with the grey and red dust of cement and newly fired brick from his day of labor at the construction site.
On Monday, we celebrate Labor day. It's a chance to get together with family and friends, to throw some food on the grill, and have a good time.
The Mountain View-based company took the unusual step of announcing its latest product on the Labor day holiday after it prematurely sent out a comic book drawn up to herald the new browser's arrival.
Instead, we'll just take an extra day off. We will be off on Monday for Labor day.
The couple exchanged vows in a romantic Labor Day sunset ceremony on Maui.
North Americans trying to sneak in a Labor Day weekend getaway on the lakes were hoping for more of the same.
想在劳动节假日(a Labor Dayweekend)偷闲,到湖区郊游的北美人,正期待着这样的好天气能够持续。
Many U.S. schools open the week after Labor Day, which falls on Sept. 7. It was Sept. 1 in 2008.
On this day, people always want to find ways to make his mother happy to spend the holidays, thanks and compensation for their year of hard labor .
Some American holidays have no definite date, like Labor day, which is celebrated on the first Monday of September. Other holidays like this are.
When I applied my mind to know wisdom and to observe man's labor on earth-his eyes not seeing sleep day or night.
On the arrival of the "five. A" send you a heartfelt prayer and blessing for you, sincerely wish you and your family through a happy labor day!
In big cities, delivery services that draw on China's abundant supply of low-cost labor can get purchases from local sellers to buyers the same day.
Labor Day has passed, but there's never a wrong time to reflect on all the hard work you do as an employee.
The holidays be over, I felt not how happy, But I hope that I can to breathe the air on the hills again. Expect the labor day of the next year.
Typically, we will not in fact have classes on Fridays, just this week and next for shopping week and Labor day.
Because that tragedy helped galvanize the labor movement's fight to improve working conditions, it is still remembered on International Women's Day.
Because that tragedy helped galvanize the labor movement's fight to improve working conditions, it is still remembered on International Women's Day.