Regulation varies by state on many business and real estate laws, so confirm that your contract terms are legal through research or by consulting an attorney.
The approval of the Regulation on Accepting new Members marks the first step of member states of forging the legal basis for new member admission.
For violation of law and regulation by securites companies, if the compliance director has stopped and reported based on the prescription, legal responsibility will be exempted.
This article is based on the feature and present legal regulation of notarization and analyses the effect system of legal effect.
Then only on the reasonable legal analysis for risks of financial derivatives transactions, can we make use of legal means to carry out effective regulation.
The article also says that we must make full use of the present legal regulation on public opinion supervision and effectively conduct lawful public opinion supervision.
Part one analyzes the necessity of legal regulation on the administrative planning in our country, and this is the surface level.
The first part is the basic theory of legal regulation on financial holding company's abuse in market advantageous status.
Malicious software is different from the traditional formal software and viruses. It's spreading on the Internet at the present stage, in need of legal intervention and regulation.
There is no clear regulation on our country's present legislation whether the legal properties charged in parking keep contract or parking stall lease contract.
I have extensive access to information based on the use of comparative analysis and case study research method patent abuse of the legal regulation of pool to start on.
The country's economic management has changed from direct control, which centers on state mandatory planning, to indirect regulation which works mainly through economic and legal means.
Japanese advertisement management relies on self-discipline and external discipline that includes three levels: industrial self-discipline control, administrative guiding and legal regulation.
It focuses on the legal regulation and market regulation.
The forth part introduces the multilateral cooperation of international society on the legal regulation of commercial bribery of transnational corporation.
Therefore, the study on travel agencies'responsibility for breaching the contract due to the third party'fault reflects a value orientation, that is we must start from the legal regulation.
The legal regulation on the writing of scouting documents is an obvious right delivered by law, and is the corresponding legal and social responsibility.
There are three forms of legal regulation on the establishment of company defects, that is, the personality maintenance, denial and expansion of the company law.
The establishment of the equal relationship, to a large extent, depending on the legal constraints and regulation.
The third part focuses on the abuse of technical measures in the legal system, method, summarized as intellectual property law rules of internal regulation and external both.
No special regulation on the legal effect shareholding pledge is stipulated in china's law of guaranty, and it adheres to the pledge of movable property.
Based on this present situation, strengthening the legal regulation of civil litigation surprise is urgently required.
WebPages should cover goods information, table-on-line and regulation concerned, the legal character...
The state should issue the special law on standardization and regulation of the legal problems in application the BT mode.
The state should issue the special law on standardization and regulation of the legal problems in application the BT mode.