When asked for your views about your current job, on no account must you be negative about it.
The man assured her again that he would on no account touch a thing to eat or drink.
The professor warned the students that on no account should they use mobile phones in his class.
On no account should we make a joke of others' shortcomings because everyone has his own disadvantages.
We must always go into the whys and wherefores of anything. On no account should we follow anyone like sheep.
我们对任何事情都要问一个为什么, 绝对不应盲从任何人。
On no account should the soldiers be blamed for what happened.
We must on no account view problems superficially and in isolation.
The orders also say that on no account are you to risk your life, got that?
The moral of this was: If a strange voice calls your name, on no account answer.
On no account should stricter punishment be the only way for the police to stop crimes.
Swithin did not look round, on no account would he have pulled up to help the ruffian .
On no account should we fight on day after day without cease, or be carried away by success.
On no account should we neglect this section either, and our policy must be to win them over.
On no account should the dog look or feel woolly, and there should be no silky hair anywhere.
On no account should human's ultimate wisdom do service to turn your brain into a luxurious race course.
IF you meet a bear in the woods, try not to panic or scream; on no account should you turn your back and run.
There is no doubt that knowledge plays an important role in our life. On no account can we ignore the value of knowledge.
On no account could she agree to a step which might afterwards cause bitter rueing to her husband for his blindness in wedding her.
In her absence, I began to beg for Zillah's place at the Heights, offering to resign mine to her; but he would suffer it on no account.
This information must on no account be used as a substitute in necessary prior tests which alone can ensure that a product is suitable in a given use.
Even when I was taken to have a new suit of clothes, the tailor had orders to make them like a kind of Reformatory, and on no account to let me have the free use of my limbs.
'The master's gone into his study, sir, ' replied the hedgehog, 'and he said as how he was going to be particular busy this morning, and on no account was he to be disturbed.
In carrying out agricultural restructuring, we must be led by market demand, proceed from realities, and respect farmers' wishes, and on no account must coercion and commandism be allowed.
There was no way to account accurately by recycled salt and salt incorporated into clay mineral deposited on the sea floors.
Popper for example tried to give an account of science which in no way depended on induction because he thought that Hume had completely undermined that basis.
Popper for example tried to give an account of science which in no way depended on induction because he thought that Hume had completely undermined that basis.