On no consideration can we ignore the urgency of protecting the environment.
Obviously we will take into consideration the evidence of the police officer, seeing a motor vehicle on the crossing and making no attempt to leave.
It is regrettable to see an order dropped owning to no agreement on price; however, we wish to recommend you another quality at a lower price for your consideration.
We are enclosing our Quotation No.... on... for your consideration, and hope to receive your trial order in the near future.
No person shall be bound to enter into any contract or binding legal commitment and no monies or other form of consideration is to be accepted on the basis of this Preliminary Prospectus.
No consideration on earth justifies a parent in telling lies to his child.
In chapter four, the author focused his attention on the hidden factors, which the judge shall in no doubt take into consideration in the course of discretion.
The present study of literary translation no longer focuses on the study of source and target texts as the traditional way does, but brings more factors in other fields into consideration.
I really don't understand why there is only a focus on the recent games and no one takes into consideration the 12 games played.
I really don't understand why there is only a focus on the recent games and no one takes into consideration the 12 games played.