One Saturday afternoon while Les was at the station, a deejay named Rock was drinking while on the air.
One Saturday afternoon last winter, I drove north on Route 85 through the rolling rangeland of southeastern Wyoming.
"There was a telephone conversation with one hostage Saturday afternoon, " said a South Korean official on condition of anonymity.
“在周六下午,韩国官员和一名人质通过电话进行了一次对话,” 一名不愿意透露姓名的韩国官员表示。
"There was a telephone conversation with one hostage Saturday afternoon, " said a South Korean official on condition of anonymity.
“在周六下午,韩国官员和一名人质通过电话进行了一次对话,” 一名不愿意透露姓名的韩国官员表示。