Housing loans are divided into housing loans on own account, housing loans on authorization and combined loans.
On no account should we make a joke of others' shortcomings because everyone has his own disadvantages.
On July 18th, 2015, I made my own account and began to start my own business.
I sought not only my own salvation, but also to account for the bizarre demise of the clerk, who must no doubt have been discovered on the street below.
Planning a vacation with your own home as "home base" can relieve a lot of stress and be a little easier on the bank account.
Tens of millions of people are also getting breaking news on their weibo account and then reposting it to their own followers.
The best account of Kennan’s life as an outsider on the inside is his own two-volume “Memoirs”.
Dutch or British, the men on the spot were no less ready to pocket their employers' money, making up for low pay with embezzlement and trading on their own account.
As British forces searched for the soldier, the prime minister declared he would not use valuable helicopters on his own account.
UBS has been shrinking its balance sheet and withdrawing from trading on its own account.
Even if his own father or mother or brother or sister dies, he must not make himself ceremonially unclean on account of them, because the symbol of his separation to God is on his head.
A person familiar with the matter said that the traders in the unit were told on Friday their jobs were on the line because of the bank's decision to stop trading commodities on its own account.
Foreigners own 30% of Japan's listed shares, and typically account for three-fifths of all trading (Japanese institutions tend to sit on their holdings).
If we have built our own altar to turn away from the LORD and to offer burnt offerings and grain offerings, or to sacrifice fellowship offerings on it, may the LORD himself call us to account.
My surprise demonstrated just how much I had created my own idea of the brain based on myself instead of taking into account the differences other people exhibit.
There is perhaps a kind of creative or rich inconsistency on this point that, it should be said, one also finds and needs to take into account in reading A Room of One's Own.
She also began work on The Discovery of Freedom, which by her own account was written in a "white heat."
Article 60 Commercial Banks should establish and improve their own auditing and checking system on deposits, loans, account settling and bad debts.
You will need to either account for this in advance if you have less than 2gb of ram, or simply run Virtual Box on its own (no other running programs).
While there aren't too many alternatives to using hosted services for short links, we did come across two self-hosted solutions that you can install on your own hosting account: z.ips.me and Shorty.
尽管使用托管服务来压缩网址的替代方案并不多,但是我们还是找到两个自己托管的解决方案,你可以在自己的主机帐号上安装这两个网址压缩服务:z.i ps . me和Shorty。
Lindesay himself is the author of Alone on the Great Wall, an account of on his own 1, 500-mile excursion in 1987.
Would it not simply be easier for them to allow Skype, for example, to create their own application on each platform, since most of their users would likely already have a Skype account of their own.
Whether you're a photographer, model, designer, hair or makeup artist, editor, booker or producer - anyone can have his own account on Lexposure.net.
If you continue to test Scitter, you'll want to create your own "test" account on Twitter.
Huwvan Steenis, an analyst at Morgan Stanley, says that since investment Banks are now relying more on client businesses and less on trading on their own account, revenues have become more volatile.
摩根·士丹利的一位分析员Huw vanSteenis称,由于现在投资银行更多的是依赖客户业务,同时对为自己的交易已不再(像以前)那样依赖,收入也就因此而多变。
Coca-Cola, for instance, has an entrepreneurship programme called “5 by 20” that aims to increase the number of women who distribute and sell the drink on their own account to 5m by 2020.
Yes, I did answer question on that other Weibo account for the movie Home because I did not have my own account… But this is the one I use now.
If I were free to seek my own fortune-if I were free to go as a common sailor-if I were free to venture on my own account to the farthest end of the world-i would gladly go!
Brindley had begun on his own account, out of interest, to survey the waterways that he traveled as he went about his engineering projects.
Brindley had begun on his own account, out of interest, to survey the waterways that he traveled as he went about his engineering projects.