The boys loved watching the soldiers on parade.
As he accepts the ceremonial neckerchief from a shy girl scout from Lancashire, he is as straight-backed as any of the teenagers on parade.
Many voters might look at David Cameron and his cabinet-filled as it is with smooth-cheeked sons of privilege-and see the Establishment on parade.
A few daring souls early on even managed to get across Berlin's Brandenburg Gate, dashing across the line, parallel to the marching Soviet soldiers on parade.
China held a grand parade in Beijing to mark the defeat of Japan in World War Two, displaying its military power on an unprecedented scale.
The king didn't take any notice of the noise in the crowd and carried on with the parade.
The elderly gravitate there, shuffling in cheerful pairs along Marine Parade or jogging in slow motion past the Sea Gull Café, intent on some distant goal.
Usually in these situations, the proud parents parade before the cameras, appear on talk shows and land lucrative sponsorship deals with baby-products firms.
Some 60 people have already been banned from the parade route Friday and both uniformed and undercover officers will be in the crowds or on rooftops.
The theme of Saturday's parade was "let's go for more" -- specifically, a "gender identity" law to enable individuals to change their gender on birth certificates and identity cards.
On Saturday 18th September I travelled to Essen in Germany to witness the largest parade of Mazda cars.
The look on their faces testifies against them; they parade their sin like Sodom; they do not hide it.
On every afternoon of Guangdong Week, there is a parade of Asian Games float, which brings the Games promotions to a climax.
Some, wounded, stood uneasily on crutches to receive decorations in their parade squares.
On a nearby parade ground, preparations are underway for a graduation ceremony that will take place in a few days.
The River Thames with The Houses of Parliament and Whitehall on the left bank looking over Horse Gaurds Parade to the West End of London.
About 250 artists from Hubei will join more than 2500 local and international performers in the Chinese New Year twilight parade on February 6.
Many of the brightest stars in economics parade their scepticism, insisting on how little economists really know (or indeed how little real economics they know).
On the evening of Chinese New Year's Day, there is a carnival-like night parade and international Spring Festival entertainment night with performing groups from many countries.
1968 - Miss USA, Johnine Lee Avery: "The thing I hate most is having to smile every moment when you parade on stage. It makes me feel like a hypocrite."
The Pakistan Rangers and India's Border Security Force said on October 30th they would do away with the most hostile gestures and revive a habit of parade commanders shaking hands at the frontier.
Intel has joined the parade of companies trying to beam video to your TV. The chipmaker is betting on “WiDi, ” its technology for streaming media wirelessly from the PC to the TV.
Intel has joined the parade of companies trying to beam video to your TV. The chipmaker is betting on “WiDi, ” its technology for streaming media wirelessly from the PC to the TV.