Google wants ever more people doing ever more things on the web, and peace of mind that nobody, not even Microsoft, can interrupt that.
Let me 3 let you in on a little secret to finding peace of mind: see the glass as already broken.
It will guide you to your true place, solve your difficulties, sever you from emotional and physical bondage, and place you on the royal road to freedom, happiness, and peace of mind.
You may not succeed at the first attempts, but if you keep on performing these Suggestions earnestly, you will gradually begin to experience peace of mind.
It is a habit that will lead you to a life where you have peace of mind, better and more efficient work churn out and more time on your hands to do the things you enjoy.
In the rat race, they try every means to stay on the top, and the fear to lose the game inevitably wrecks their peace of mind.
Margins are typically higher than on hardware. Customers do not mind because they are buying peace of mind—it is Rolls's job to make sure the engine keeps running.
Remez Sasson teaches and writes on positive thinking, creative visualization, motivation, self-improvement, peace of mind, spiritual growth and meditation.
Margins are typically higher than on hardware. Customers do not mind because they are buying peace of mind-it is Rolls's job to make sure the engine keeps running.
A full program on this subject, written in a manner and language everyone can understand and follow, with instructions, advice and exercises, can be found in the book Peace of Mind in Daily Life.
That will depend on whether users prefer to have local copies of their data for performance, security, and peace of mind.
Some wanted to focus on the peace of mind that Informix offers its users and the new features that provide even greater reliability and flexibility to adapt to changing business needs.
"But you didn't have much to do with him, did you?" went on Drouet, anxious for his own peace of mind to get some direct denial from her.
Products of this function are: jade pillow, jade pad, health-care ball, massage tool, walking stick, jade comb and so on, for people holding beauty, keeping mind in peace.
To a large amount of degree, the measure of our peace of mind is determined by how much we are able to live on in the present day moment.
One reason we have so much trouble achieving peace of mind is that we are not present to our life as it shows up on our doorstep right now.
There is no objective condition can't affect them. Their mind of soundness, tranquility and peace are not depending on what the standard of living they have.
It 's rather difficult in these noisy, confusing, nerve-racking days to achieve the peace of mind in which to pause for a moment to reflect on what you believe in.
The products give us peace of mind and solved the problem of decontaminating products which are constantly handled but are unpractical to sterilise on a daily basis.
Our management system assessment approach, based on international standards, can address the complexity of your rail supply chain needs, and is designed to give you confidence and peace of mind.
The Lord showed Joshua, however, that his future peace of mind and success did not depend on Moses.
Come on! I did help him. I don't know why he said so, but I have the peace of mind.
I am willing to give you a peace of mind of depend on, when you are lonely chit chat with you.
Put very simply, the Tonglen practice of giving and receiving is to take on the suffering and pain of others and give to them your happiness, well-being, and peace of mind.
On the surface there is a layer of peace and harmony, but in the depths of the mind there is a sleeping volcano of suppressed negativity which sooner or later may erupt in a violent explosion.
Keeping on doing good deeds brings us peace of mind, which is important for our happiness.
Paying down the bulk of your other loans and only having one check to write on your home loan can give many people a lot of peace of mind.
Paying down the bulk of your other loans and only having one check to write on your home loan can give many people a lot of peace of mind.