Green is the color of safety. Red, on the other hand, most often means danger, alert, halt, please don’t touch.
Local weather forecasters issued the first red rainstorm alert of the year - the highest on the 3-level warning system.
In Hainan's capital Haikou, local meteorological authorities issued a red alert at 8 a. m. on Thursday. Strong rain has caused city flooding, with most public transport suspended.
During the recent red alert, pollution peaked at 508 on Tuesday, according to the US Embassy's air pollution monitoring service in Beijing.
When a red-alert for air pollution goes into effect, the emergency plan will only allow drivers to use their vehicles every other day on an odd-even license plate system.
When a red-alert for air pollution goes into effect, the emergency plan will only allow drivers to use their vehicles every other day on an odd-even license plate system.