Egypt has lost out on revenues from the Suez Canal.
We've had startups that were profitable on revenues of $3000 a month.
Now it is going head-to-head with Apple, which made ajuicy $7.3 billion net profit on revenues of $28.6 billion in the latestquarter.
In the final quarter of 2009 Manpower's profits were down by 62% from the same period a year earlier, on revenues that were 4% lower.
Now it is going head-to-head with Apple, which made a juicy $7.3 billion net profit on revenues of $28.6 billion in the latest quarter.
But by its 50th birthday IBM was one of America’s leading firms, earning profits of $254m on revenues of $2.2 billion and employing 116, 000 people.
The corporate return on revenues has risen the past two years to a peak of 14% - an unusually high level of profits - that is not expected to continue.
Most recent estimates put a value of about $60 billion on the whole of Glencore, which made profits of $3.8 billion in 2010 on revenues of $145 billion.
According to industry experts, the move to bring down tobacco production by a significant chunk would have a bearing on revenues of tobacco companies.
Fubon, Taiwan's second-largest financial-services group, with assets of $37 billion, earned $419 million in after-tax profit on revenues of $4.6 billion in 2003.
They could go the way of the local newspaper, fatally shackled to geography, conglomeration, and an expensive labor structure, too dependent on revenues that vanish and never return.
Ministers should also look at creating greater certainty in the rental environment, which would have a significant impact on the ability of registered providers to fund new developments from revenues.
The law will give the Iraqi central government the power to distribute current and future oil revenues to provinces and regions, based on their population size.
Forty-four states have lotteries, 29 have casinos, and most of these states are to varying degrees dependent on—you might say addicted to—revenues from wagering.
It is helpful to look at what your competitors or similar companies are spending as a percent of revenues on the various parts of the business.
The closer to a release date this "reboot" happens, the greater its impact on customer satisfaction, revenues, and the company's bottom line.
Iraq's cabinet agreed last month on how to share oil revenues between the regions.
The people of the Middle East want to control their own oil, and spend the revenues on their own societies.
Russia is a failed state, kept on life support by oil revenues and Western petro-science and technology.
Free adds another conversion step on your way to revenues.
Mr Colao promises not to be "too greedy" : Vodafone intends to pass on 70% of revenues to developers, the same share as Apple does.
But other laws seen as important in that regard, one on provincial elections and another on sharing oil revenues, have yet to be passed.
Slower growth means lower tax revenues and, possibly, lower spending on health.
In Russia, the rebound has also been unexpectedly strong, though largely dependent on high oil revenues and more fragile than in East Asia.
Either the economy will recover, and Labour costs will rise, or the high level of unemployment will weigh on demand and revenues will suffer.
If there are transition problems, perhaps revenues from a tax on aeroplane kerosene could help.
One is that investors are now assessing them not just on their revenues, but also on their "pipeline" of future franchises and management contracts, mostly from hotels under construction.
One is that investors are now assessing them not just on their revenues, but also on their "pipeline" of future franchises and management contracts, mostly from hotels under construction.