We were raised on books and computers, highways and cell phones, but now we were living in a village without running water or electricity.
We were raised on books and computers, highways and cell phones, but now we were living in a village without running water or electricity. It was easy for us to go to sleep at the end of the day feeling a little misunderstood.
A vast expanse of sand stretches away out of sight on every side, with here and there a streak, as of water, running across, though sometimes what gleams like water is only sand.
Instead of using a mechanical compressor running on electricity, thermal coolers are powered with hot water.
It can be used on fresh spinach and lettuce too before rinsing under running water, because vinegar isn't going to taint the taste of your salad!
He was living in a container box with no running water, electricity or heating. He said he slept there with layers of clothes on in the winter.
Breuning was born on 21 September 1896, in Minnesota and spent his early life in South Dakota. His family had no electricity or running water.
I was waiting on a breakwall by the water when a handsome man in running shorts sat down next to me.
Also aiding in the reliability of a system running completely on wind, water, and solar power, the authors say, is that it would need about a third less energy than a fossil-fired system.
Rescue teams with generator-powered floodlights worked into the night in the worst-hit city of Ercis, where running water and electricity were cut by the quake that rocked eastern Turkey on Sunday.
The truck bumped and rumbled along on a washboard surface cut with deep ruts.Some of the ruts were running with water.
The fields of barley, rice and wheat that feed much of India are running out of water, according to a new study based on satellite data and published online in Nature today.
The truck bumped and rumbled along on a washboard surface cut with deep ruts. Some of the ruts were running with water.
In Summer there will be little boats floating on the river, the laughter of children resonating with the sound of the running water.
But being able to jump in the water after you're finished will make it worth your effort. Here are some tips for running on the beach.
Residents have been told they can use running water for only five hours a day because the city can no longer depend on 20 of its 29 reservoirs.
The other thing to bear in mind is that we don't want to water down the mobile experience for visitors running very capable browsers, such as those found on the iPhone or Android platforms.
No running water, electricity, or heat for thousands of the 700,000 refugees, who in some shelters lived on one and a half rice balls a day.
Rain, the more the greater the water on the ground to sink into a stream, "Luo" laughing singing and dancing, running forward.
I look at you, you know, under my calm face is all broke our hearts in the Song, I quietly read a bar, so Huayu fly, let the water running on the sky, let the wind blow south from now on all.
Trapped and terrified inside their homes, families are running low on food and drinking water, with many water tanks shot and emptied.
Aimed at finding the design parameter and running data of removal selenium from raw water, studies were made on the effects of the treatment process by using aluminum-selenium co-precipitation system.
By analyzing on the running situation of cooling water system for air compressors in an institute, knowing the serious waste of cooling water in actual operation of the system.
By severe, I am referring to people living in cardboard shacks with no running water and so on.
Without water to "wake up and turn on" the body each day, you may be running on empty, especially if you skip breakfast altogether.
I'm living proof that you can beat the odds of heart disease-even if it runs in your family. And you can do it without subsisting on bean sprouts and mineral water and running eight kilometres a day.
The purification of turbid circulating water on the running of high-speed wire rod with three kinds of purificant was studied in this artical.
The purification of turbid circulating water on the running of high-speed wire rod with three kinds of purificant was studied in this artical.