On technical matters, I defer to the experts.
Although not part of the consortium, WHO will provide advice to WIPO on technical matters, and we are well-positioned to perform this function.
It was here, among the woods and hills, that Goethe in 1770 claimed to discover that "passion for reflection on economic and technical matters" that occupied much of his life.
The Technical Committee shall attempt to conclude its work on specific matters, especially those referred to it by Members or the Committee, in a reasonably short period of time.
He engages in endless arguments with others on issues that are not matters of principle but of a purely technical nature, categorically refusing to compromise or be patient with others.
对一些非原则问题,一些技术性的问题,也斤斤计较, 相持不下,不善于让步,不善于等待。
Their approach is based on the consideration of safety, legal, technical and functional matters, but transcends them by turning them into as many architectural qualities.
Where appropriate, the Technical Committee shall request information and advice from the Committee on matters related to this Agreement.
Substantial progress has also been made in consultations related to the trade of goods. Currently, consultations of the two sides focus on such technical matters as the origin of products.
On this basis, the paper sets and researches the matters that commonly present in technical support work in construction field.
On this basis, the paper sets and researches the matters that commonly present in technical support work in construction field.