Any countries' economic operation is bound to be affected by other countries on that condition.
If another thread calls pthread_cond_signal on a condition, then a thread that was waiting on that condition variable is woken up.
They will give us the money on one condition —that we pay it back within six months.
This is only at certain times and on condition that they are processed at factories based near Japanese ports.
Facing increasing opposition to this proposal, the prime minister said on December 5 that working more years would no longer be a condition for reforming the special pension schemes.
My mother had said she would take me to travel abroad on the condition that I got better grades.
Too high house prices can be brought under control, on condition that the authorities introduce a series of regulatory policies.
The company will suffer a great loss on the condition that it is forbidden to exploit this kind of alternative resource.
The enemy besieged in a few strongholds capitulated on the condition that they would be granted to return home voluntarily.
On the Filters page, the condition that you created will show up as shown in Figure 20.
Tang: To be fair to your company, I am directed by my Shanghai Branch to settle this issue with you amicably on condition that you give us a certificate issued by your Health Department.
Valfierno told the story to a journalist in 1914, on condition that it would not be published until his death.
They agreed to submit — on the condition that two of the accusers take the same test.
This move by the ECB was done on the condition that Italy meets certain fiscal targets to get its economic house in order.
Ms Del Ponte was accused of taking delivery of transcripts from Serbia, which many, including her, believe proved Serbia’s guilt there, on condition that they were kept out of the hands of the court.
I will only do them on one condition, and that is I want to be able to teach you what the assumptions are that underlie the points in the derivation.
HarperCollins has informed libraries that henceforth, ebooks will be sold on the condition that they can only be circulated 26 times before they self-destruct.
An EFI image is provided on the QEMU site, so that particular condition is easy to satisfy.
In January, the European Commission cleared Kraft's bid for Cadbury on the condition that the U.S.-based company would divest Cadbury's Polish and Romanian chocolate confectionery businesses.
Before seting up this business building, the developers can give one million dollars to her on condition that she should move away, but the woman still didn't accept.
If another thread calls pthread_cond_broadcast on a condition, then all threads waiting on that variable are woken up.
The crucial condition, insisted on by Congress all along, is that any such future weapons tinkering avoid the need for testing.
Roark, knowing that the project is under Toohey's control, and that a plan under his own name would never be accepted, agrees, on the condition that his plan be built precisely as designed.
Because these languages are Turing complete (see Resources), they can verify essentially any condition that you might impose on the strings.
That the French have won a fair deal on the third condition may, however, help to fend off charges that the country is gaining too little in return for rejoining NATO’s integrated command.
Overall, the adjustments are based on the feedback of the patient, that is, observation on the improvement of the patient's physical condition.
Note that both the condition and action on a transition can access parts of the message belonging to the triggering operation.
Note that both the condition and action on a transition can access parts of the message belonging to the triggering operation.