Mr Otellini's predecessors, who ran the firm when the PC was in the ascendant, could rely on an expanding market to provide double-digit growth for Intel.
Adviser Harold Ickes, who for months has been urging the Clintons to focus on ground-game vulnerabilities, is also ascendant, thanks in part to his close relationship with Williams.
The generation of crime on ascendant conditions derives from the material conditions of socialization.
She is following in the steps of other big names from the bastions of East Coast power who have recently decamped to the ascendant technology industry on the West Coast.
In recent years, with the Urban tourism continues increasing temperature, research on this area have being in the ascendant.
The square of composite Moon and Ascendant places great emphasis on emotional fulfillment within a relationship.
Presently, studies on English advertising are in the ascendant.
Low undercooling degree, the rate high back press. On the heating equipments with condensed water and the recovery system engineering, even show its ascendant function.
This disease severely influences patients on health and life. The incidence of asthma shows the ascendant trend. So, people paid attention to preventing and curing asthma more and more.
Not long ago, Japan was "the economic miracle, " an ascendant juggernaut on its way to rivaling the United States, which has the biggest economy.
Not long ago, Japan was "the economic miracle, " an ascendant juggernaut on its way to rivaling the United States, which has the biggest economy.