In Ancient Arabia, a chorus of women would ululate on the battlefield.
Despite his reputation for ferocity on the battlefield, he tended to eat and drink lightly during large banquets.
Their aristocratic outfit, aristocracy of birth, which is legitimized by their heroic behavior on the battlefield.
One should never succumb to fatigue when alone on the battlefield.
The largest growing demand on the battlefield today is for electricity and how we create that.
These communication skills seem to offer invading bacteria quite an advantage on the battlefield.
FIFTY years ago a soldier injured on the battlefield would be sewn up by medics using sheep's gut.
But the Marine Corps are the first service to try to put those policies into action on the battlefield.
They were all you would want in a soldier and proved it on the battlefield by destroying all in their paths.
GaN will also give the warfighter significantly more mobility, capability and reliability on the battlefield.
Some have lost limbs on the battlefield, and others still battle the demons that have followed them home.
Well, I don’t think our troops on the battlefield should have to take notes to keep for a claims application.
But General Xiang Yu would be vindicated, both on the battlefield and in the annals of social science research.
Our BEC course will soon come to an end.At the beginning of December you will step on the battlefield to fight.
BEC的课程快结束了,12月初你们就要踏上真正的战场,BE C中级考试就要到来了。
Our BEC course will soon come to an end. At the beginning of December you will step on the battlefield to fight.
BEC的课程快结束了,12月初你们就要踏上真正的战场,BE C中级考试就要到来了。
What are the 3s in your life that are dying on the battlefield but which can still be saved if you reach them in time?
Yet it is not unusual to find antagonists grappling on the battlefield and treating behind closed doors simultaneously.
They left behind hundreds of wounded men. For four days, the wounded lay on the battlefield crying for help, for water.
四天来,这些躺在战场上的伤兵哭 叫着寻求帮助,他们要水喝。
Soldiers encounter all sorts of weather conditions on the battlefield: blistering winds, broiling heat, drenching rain.
On the battlefield, American troops are also said to be making more conspicuous efforts to respect their enemies' rights.
But any Western belief that Colonel Qaddafi would be quickly clobbered on the battlefield has, for the moment, been shaken.
On the battlefield of war certain changes in reality could be predicted - from seasonal opportunities to covert advantages.
战场上的某些变化-从季节因素到潜在优势 -实际上是能够被预测的。
Six of its seven corps had arrived on the battlefield, and VI Corps was making a thirty-six-mile forced march to reach it.
The Rumor Doctor asked NATO officials whether these killer monkeys have yet been encountered on the battlefield in Afghanistan.
Russia's army, pictured here being trained how to deploy the fake firepower, is not the first to use fantasy ammunition on the battlefield.
Although he's well-versed in military theories, he has absolutely no practical experience on the battlefield. This is why I don't recommend him.
Although he's well-versed in military theories, he has absolutely no practical experience on the battlefield. This is why I don't recommend him.