The main rate of VAT, a consumption tax, went up from 17.5% to 20% on January 4th.
For on January 4th, the main rate for VAT, a consumption tax, was raised from 17.5% to 20%.
China will raise the consumption tax on high-emission cars and cut tax on low-emission ones from September 1, in an effort to save energy and fight pollution.
The new tax is meant to reduce fuel consumption and fight pollution. Rather than further raising the tax on fuel, which increased by almost 20% in June, the government is taxing gas-guzzling cars.
The study suggests that shifting tax revenues from income to consumption and property taxes could have a significant impact on GDP per head.
Suddenly, a debate on raising Japan’s consumption tax—at 5%, the lowest in the rich world—has vaulted to the centre of a national election campaign.
For instance, an increase in consumption would benefit Florida, which gets the bulk of its revenues from a sales tax, more than Oregon, which relies chiefly on income tax.
Suddenly, a debate on raising Japan's consumption tax—at 5%, the lowest in the rich world—has vaulted to the centre of a national election campaign.
On the one hand, two newspapers reported this week that more people favour a higher consumption tax than are against it.
In the event, they have settled for banning sales of drink for less than the tax paid on it (alcohol duty, plus VAT, a consumption tax).
The higher the price of gold, silver, copper, oil and agricultural foodstuffs - the higher the tax on consumption must be.
How would you like to pay a 20 percent consumption tax on everything you buy, on top of all the other taxes you pay?
The main rate of VAT, a consumption tax, went up from 17.5% to 20% on January 4th; deep public spending cuts get under way in April.
On the other side, policy makers were promoting production and consumption of biofuels, through a series of tax credits and incentives.
Meanwhile, the products on which consumption tax is levied are exempted from it.
Britain soon may become the largest country switch to charging for distance driven, away from a tax on fuel consumption.
This paper analyzed the situation of petroleum consumption and elucidated the necessity of imposing tax on fuel based on the economics method.
The State Administration of Taxation will enforce a new regulation from August 1, adjusting consumption tax on the Chinese liquor Baijiu.
The National Development and Reform Commission imposed a fuel oil consumption tax on oil manufacturers on Jan 1, 2009.
Commodity tax consists of inner commodity tax and import-and-export commodity tax, both of which can put importance on the production and consumption.
The main troubles, the cycle tire industry is involved in, are the sustained high price of materials and the consumption tax on motorcycle tire.
The tax on the non-named goods and the named goods used for personal consumption shall not be refunded.
Since the beginning of 2009, the reform on added-value tax from production to consumption has affected China's financial management greatly.
The Ministry 5 of Finance says China has eliminated consumption taxes on ordinary cosmetics and will only levy 6 the tax on high-end products. The tax rate has also been lowered to 15%.
Consumption tax shall be collected by the tax authorities. Consumption tax on the importation of taxable consumer goods shall be collected by the customs office on behalf of the tax authorities.
We have to pay great attention to the tax on income and change tax on value added by production into tax on value added by consumption. The current tax system must be solved completely.
We have to pay great attention to the tax on income and change tax on value added by production into tax on value added by consumption. The current tax system must be solved completely.