Some already exist in Spain and a few more are on the drawing board for Nevada and California.
Often such projects are kept on the drawing board not by lack of money but by politics and planning.
A firmer answer will have to await a new generation of powerful telescopes that are under construction or still on the drawing board.
Arrangements have been made for the building of new customs launches and your Customs Headquarters building is on the drawing board.
However, as an investor, you often encounter companies with a supposedly hot product on the drawing board but with little or no sales.
And looking ahead, there are a number of multi-year projects on the drawing board which could have long-term impact on the association.
It is one of an estimated 11 new coal schemes planned in Poland, while 28 more are on the drawing board in Germany, according to the WWF.
In addition to progress made on the production line and in silicon technology, microprocessors have benefited from recent gains on the drawing board.
(the idea can arguably be traced back as far as the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, built around 600bc.) So far, however, the idea remains firmly on the drawing board.
For now, the project remains on the drawing board at architectural firm Kobi Karp, and there is no shortage of artist's impressions of the many facets of Miapolis.
Across-the-board cuts in marginal tax rates (10 percent a year for three years) and business tax reductions were on the drawing boards, as were plans to reduce regulations.
We do not deny that many attempts that worked well on the drawing board have had to be postponed or aborted completely due to the possibilities we saw arising from those that remain in darkness.
Once Nature finds a good device it will have to go on using it because it is impossible to go back to the drawing board and design another one.
Imagine that you were asked to design a tall tower building, and you came up with a few great designs - yet all were refused, and you had to go back to the drawing board only to keep on failing!
“It’s really back to the drawing board for the Federal Circuit,” says Bednarek. “The lower courts are really going to have to follow up on this.”
The use of materials, the shape, the intention of the drawing, quietly materialize, as thoughts on a drawing board.
If there are conditions, the best board on the easel, if no frame, drawing board on the thigh can also.
So instead of lowering prices or cutting corners on materials we went back to the drawing board and decided that we should only create products that were a representation of what we believe.
The sofa is our own design and the central table is made of massive ash assembled on a drawing board stand.
I post enlargement of some of his drawing on the board. If you can compare them to those in your texts, you can see that his are amazingly accurate.
A flat drawing board mounted on a tripod used in combination with an alidade to construct topographic or geologic maps in the field.
A string of major alignments could consolidate your hopes and efforts; on the other hand, you could discover that you must go back to the drawing board.
This paper analyses the characteristics of plastic forming on the alloy board with low-alloy and high-strength and expounds various factors of deep drawing technology.
This paper analyses the characteristics of plastic forming on the alloy board with low-alloy and high-strength and expounds various factors of deep drawing technology.