On the eve of the Festival, the family all get together.
The bottom line is that you need to study, eat a good meal, sleep well on the eve of the test, and believe that your efforts will pay off.
The president, Lee Myung-bak, flew off to Abu Dhabi on the eve of the decision to gladhand the locals.
And few more so than this 2003 cover on the eve of the invasion of Iraq.
On the eve of the global recession, about 6m Bangladeshis worked abroad.
But this hardly warranted such a sudden move on the eve of a new school year.
The Facebook announcement comes on the eve of the 15th anniversary of her abduction.
It is remarkable how often players sustain a slight injury on the eve of a friendly.
On the eve of the recession the rate of growth in workers' output per hour was slowing.
Seven months later, on the eve of the bank bailout, TED opined, "Let hundreds of Banks fail."
The Raju family's stake had dwindled to 5% or less on the eve of Mr Raju's January 7th confession.
The euro had eclipsed unemployment as the prime concern of German voters on the eve of the summit.
The intervention from Obama comes on the eve of a high stakes vote in Congress on a climate change bill.
The report was released Tuesday, on the eve of world Statistics day, which is celebrated on Oct. 20 worldwide.
On the eve of the G20 agriculture summit on 22-23 June, we urgently need to adopt an ambitious action plan.
6月22日—23日G 20农业峰会举办前夕,我们迫切的需要采取一项更进取地行动计划。
On the eve of monetary union 55% of Germans were against it, making their nation the euro zone's most reluctant founders.
A 12-year veteran of GTX, Bobby is suddenly fired, not for incompetence but to cut costs on the eve of a probable merger.
Plenty of time for online shopping and reading first. On the eve of the deadline, she hadn’t worked out a single word.
Plenty of time for online shopping and reading first. On the eve of the deadline, she hadn't worked out a single word.
Unfortunately, on the eve of the charging zone's extension westward, doubts about how much it has achieved are growing.
As a result, both Spain and Ireland went from budget surpluses on the eve of the crisis to huge budget deficits by 2009.
On the eve of the big day, stockings are hung and cookies and milk are set out for Santa as well as a carrot for Rudolph.
On the eve of the conference, WHO will launch the World health report 2008 entitled Primary health care: now more than ever.
Visitors look at a sand sculpture created by sand artist Sudarshan Pattnaik on the eve of World AIDS Day at Puri, Orissa, India.
But it's not at all what happened in Ireland and Spain, both of which had low debt and budget surpluses on the eve of the crisis.
On the eve of graduation, I thought I had done everything right, and that I would be an excellent candidate for a tenure-track job.
On the eve of graduation, I thought I had done everything right, and that I would be an excellent candidate for a tenure-track job.