On South Hill, we can play hide-and-seek and we also fly kites on the flat land.
This is, of course, assuming they don't suffocate, say, if you dropped them from 40,000 feet, and that they land on relatively flat ground (nothing pointy or the like).
This is, of course, assuming they don't suffocate, say, if you dropped them from 40, 000 feet, and that they land on relatively flat ground (nothing pointy or the like).
Centipede seam drilling capacity is very strong, it tends to sensitive antennae and flat panels on the first hole to test the joints, rocks and through most of the land or habitat gaps.
But as the sea encroaches on low, flat land, rivers at times are flowing backwards, laments a local environmental activist.
On the land use, therefore, the agricultural land should be prevented for the economic developed flat lands.
Doing this will make sure you car is not going to roll after you the hand brake is released do this even on flat land JUST in CASE!
The land they received stretched from Aroer, on the edge of the Arnon Valley, including the town within the valley itself, and all the high, flat land up to Medeba.
On that era a land beyond the seas was unthinkable as they "live at the edge of the FLAT WORLD".
The sectional ideas of the building enable to plant even more trees than on flat land (at least 150%).
The flat land and sparse population and relative lean soil cause forest management to depend on mechanization and intensive cultivation and old-aged harvest system.
On the day before Christmas the weather set in very cold; no snow, but a bitter, biting wind that whistled and sang over the flat land and lashed one's face like fine wires.
On the day before Christmas the weather set in very cold; no snow, but a bitter, biting wind that whistled and sang over the flat land and lashed one's face like fine wires.