Peter now began to call loudly and to whistle, and soon all the goats were assembled on the green field.
After breakfast the old guests sat down on the green leather armchairs and sofas in the lobby and began to gossip and look into the papers; they had nothing to do but wait out the day.
Yes, your legs, like horses' dancing on the green grass.
Roadside rhododendron, scattered on the green grass.
The children sat on the green grass and watched the pretty flowers.
But people would be deterred from acting on the green-eyed monster.
Merrill Lynch is a big retail broker they're right down here on the Green.
We dance on the green, dine at the hermitage, and wander in the woods by moonlight.
Select the mining model and click on the green arrow in the toolbar to run the model.
Tunnel views and station interiors will be later laid on the green background with the help of computer.
On the road, you will find most of the women driving in the right side slow lanes or on the green belts.
The livestock on the green side was managed in a way designed to mimic the great migratory herds of Africa.
Clicking on the green circle will offer you the option to specify operating system and version information.
He thinks he's going to black out and he stops his digging, steadying himself on the green handle of the spade.
The farmer on the green side had been forcing his cattle to mimic the great migratory wildebeest herds of the Serengeti.
From Long Island, Queens, and Brooklyn, the locals who converged on the Green Acres Mall had plenty of their own worries.
Or improve your virtual golf by focusing your attention on the ball for a few moments before taking your next putt on the green-on-the-screen?
All inner scenes are shot inside this car. Tunnel views and station interiors will be later laid on the green background with the help of computer.
Type your queries in the upper pane, click on the green arrow in the upper left corner to run them, and view your output in the lower pane or in the separate Query Results tab.
这时将出现如 图 3 所示的窗口。在上面的面板中输入查询,单击左上角的绿色箭头运行该查询,然后可以在下面的面板中或者在 “QueryResults”选项卡中查看输出。
Type your queries in the upper pane, click on the green arrow in the upper left corner to run them, and view your output in the lower pane or in the separate "Query results" TAB.
在上面的面板中输入查询,单击左上角的绿色箭头运行查询,然后在下面的面板或“Queryresults ”标签页中查看输出。
The traffic on the main streets has a longer green signal than that on the small ones.
Suddenly she screamed aloud, for there on the picture she saw a peaceful flock grazing on a green pasture.
Dadvand's study suggests how such structural changes could bring about the beneficial effects of green spaces on cognitive development.
The trees on the wood-edge were a darkish, brownish green in the full light—for it was the end of August.
Green and yellow lights blinked on the surface of the harbour.
She had often carried test tubes containing radioactive isotopes in her pocket, remarking on the pretty blue-green light they gave off.
Ocean colour varies from green to blue, depending on the type and concentration of phytoplankton.
There are green grapes, red grapes and purple grapes on the table.
The London agents Stirling Ackroyd recently identified enough sites for half a million houses in the London area alone, with no intrusion on green belt.
最近,伦敦房地产中介公司 StirlingAckroyd 发现,仅在伦敦地区就有足够的场地供50万套房屋使用,而且不会对绿化带造成干扰。
The London agents Stirling Ackroyd recently identified enough sites for half a million houses in the London area alone, with no intrusion on green belt.
最近,伦敦房地产中介公司 StirlingAckroyd 发现,仅在伦敦地区就有足够的场地供50万套房屋使用,而且不会对绿化带造成干扰。