We keep animals like pigs, cattle and chickens on the ground floor.
It was a small room on the ground floor, with a tiny window under the stairway.
One major change we've made here on the ground floor is to the layout—as you can see from looking around you.
They share a front door and a washing machine, but Rita Whitehead has her own kitchen, bathroom, bedroom and living room on the ground floor.
The doorway to peace and quiet, for Nick Bright at least, leads straight to his mother in law. She lives on the ground floor, while he lives upstairs with his wife and their two daughters.
There is a shop on the ground floor. It sells all kinds of newspapers and magazines.
There was a couple on the second floor, and two women and three kids on the ground floor, but no one was badly hurt.
We were on the ground floor and when I came to I was lying under a pile of rubble.
Landes took this as an opportunity to create a vast shaded lounging area on the ground floor.
On the ground floor of the patent Office is the Search Room, a vast space filled with patents.
“It was horror before,” says Jeanne Barbosa, who runs a small bar on the ground floor of her house.
On the ground floor on either side of the street, shops, restaurants, cinemas and a bar next to one.
Dear customers, we have already arranged to have the lawyers and bankers meet us on the ground floor.
Bedrooms and a guitar workshop on the ground floor are arranged in an L-shape around a walled garden.
Amid a day packed with events, Obama runs into Michelle and Malia on the ground floor of the residence.
I can only offer you a humble position, but it's often to your advantage to come in on the ground floor.
“When it started, they were grown-ups, ” said Mr. Nemitz from his office on the ground floor of City Hall.
There are now three on the ground floor, along with a bathroom, and a fourth is located on the new upper level.
There's a computer store on the ground floor where once there were a pharmacy, a supermarket, and a video store.
On the ground floor people net live fish and pick through tanks of frogs, trussed turtles and glistening chicken feet.
But for this little one here, it is the key of the closet10 at the end of the great gallery11 on the ground floor.
The building walls are tiled on the ground floor, bringing a base effect, with a different texture and brightness.
The Master looked straight through the man and said, "If I were you, from now on I would play on the ground floor".
On the ground floor we find the entire social area of the house, even the kitchen which faces one of the side gardens.
On the ground floor of each residence they created semi-private living and work Spaces, which open onto the courtyard.
Exhibition rooms, the auditorium and the library are all placed on the ground floor to increase flexibility and user experience.
Every superstar franchise starts as a new brand. Entrepreneurs who get in on the ground floor can potentially reap great rewards.
Or you can avoid all that and just observe giddy visitors pretend to "hold up" the tower in front of a camera on the ground floor.
In contrast, the bronze pillars on the ground floor continue through to the roof in five places only, and mark the historic plots.
In contrast, the bronze pillars on the ground floor continue through to the roof in five places only, and mark the historic plots.