I'm afraid your order has caught us on the hop-the goods aren't available yet.
I went in without knocking and there was his secretary sitting on his knee; I'd caught him on the hop.
Louis's decision caught Henry on the hop. He rode through the night in order to be able to greet Louis on Dover beach.
The cluster analysis based on the hop volatile compounds can be used to find the proximity of hop aroma and to distinguish hop varieties.
The late penalty caught us on the hop in that Javier Hernandez was the player we had planned should any spot kicks come our way, but of course he had been substituted.
Focusing on the AODV routing repair strategy and based on the hop count on the base path and the destination node, HAODV maintenances a repair area around the base path within certain number of hops.
To demonstrate, Justin, one of Pepperberg's undergraduate assistants, instructs Griffin and Alex to hop up on the work perch.
The kangaroo has a pouch where babies live until they can hop around on their own.
People can hop on the yellow bike and ride to run errands, to work or to school.
The frog hop-hop-hopped through the grass and knocked on the heavy door of the castle.
Hop aboard a speedboat from Nha Trang, on the south-central coast of Vietnam, to reach this sanctuary.
Each layer USES the layers beneath it, so the network layer does not need to worry about how each hop on the network USES the physical and data link layers and so forth.
Stores in Korea and Japan have a hard time keeping the hip hop clothing on the racks!
After receiving the data, that satellite would hold the information until it could be sent on the next hop towards Earth.
You can quickly hop up to another level simply by clicking on one of the links in the breadcrumb trail.
While a few accessories are always great on a man, flashy pieces of jewellery or chunky jewellery only makes you look like a drug lord, or someone trying to imitate a hip-hop star from the Bronx.
“In Moscow, you hop on the subway and you’re everywhere, ” she said. “In Gaithersburg, it was just terrible.
When I wake up in the morning before the kids, and the house is quiet, the last thing I want to do is hop on my treadmill for a vigorous workout.
If I'm researching something online, it's a quick matter to hop over to Amazon, find books on the subject, read reviews of them, and quickly purchase them.
A children's game in which players toss a small object into the numbered Spaces of a pattern of rectangles outlined on the ground and then hop or jump through the Spaces to retrieve the object.
Remember to hop your Vikings back up into the air if things get hairy on the ground, and fly critically damaged flyers back to base for repair.
The gym, on the second floor of an old Masonic temple with sagging ceilings, has a fitness room, a heavy bag room and a ring that reverberates with the sound of hip-hop.
There are a large number of English teaching job postings on the Web, and generally it's easier to get hired before you hop on the plane.
So a columnist approaches the subject of hip-hop (which includes rap) with caution. One cannot hope to capture its sound or fury on the page.
The Pope proceeds to hop on Route 95 and starts accelerating to see what the limo could go.
One of the reasons for the German preference for hop-on, hop-off high-speed trains is that stage lengths are shorter than in France, where the population is more spread out, with fewer big towns.
Next, says White, he will have to “hop about on the lawn with my head cocked to one side, to show them how to get their own living.
Next, says White, he will have to “hop about on the lawn with my head cocked to one side, to show them how to get their own living.