She wanted to get back on the horse.
They arrived on the horse-court at two.
The rider came quite a (or a real) cropper as soon as he rode on the horse.
I am sitting on the horse that the King likes the most. I am like the King!
So yes, I had thoughts of leaving, but I’m so happy I got back on the horse.
My friend didn't listen to my advice and he bet twenty dollars on the horse.
If I fell off or got kicked in the stomach, he put me right back on the horse.
GIRTH - This is the strap under the horse that holds the saddle on the horse.
The farmer know that this was true, so he rode on the horse, while his son walked.
It's me! Jery, Jerry Cruncher, from Tellson's Bank, Sir, 'cried the man on the horse.
'It's me! Jerry, Jerry Cruncher, from Tellson's Bank, Sir,' cried the man on the horse.
Hey man why didn't you bet all the money on the horse? I had a hunch on that you will win.
The haggling business, which had mainly depended on the horse, became disorganized forthwith.
I found that funny because we never could put a saddle on the horse but had to ride it bare-backed.
At the end of everyday, you have to put the saddle on the horse and go out and round up the cows before it gets dark.
Because it cost a dime to make it pitch back and forth, we had to sit on the horse once a week and to pretend we were riding.
The wicker woman was seated on the horse, shrouded in a cloak, veiled like a bride. From under the cloak, white flowers fell.
And I saw the beast and the Kings of the earth with their armies gathered to make war against him who was sitting on the horse and against his army.
The less time you spend wallowing in your loss and the faster you get back up on the horse, the more quickly you can resume your ascent to the zenith.
From earliest times, riding RACES, chariot RACES, various polo-type games, hunting, jousting, and similar sports have been dependent on the horse for their very creation and existence.
The horse reared up on its hind legs.
Because working with horses has helped Rowan, Rupert set up The Horse Boy Foundation on his farm in Texas.
When I sit on a horse, I don't feel like the disabled Felicia, I feel like the confident Felicia.
When I sit on a horse, I don't feel like the disabled Felicia, I feel like the confident Felicia.