The number of juniors and the values of their attributes depend on the level of the sports academy and its staff.
Concurrency control and logging happens on the level of full documents.
The authors focus on the level of capital flows, rather than their composition.
There's an old saying that you can't solve a problem on the level that you meet it.
Then, I can actually find a curve that goes in that direction, and stays on the level.
At greater ages still, salaries started dropping, dependent on the level of education.
In general, it is based on the level of contribution and harm you make to the society.
A drop in pH on the level identified in the study could have some very harmful effects.
The use of return messages depends on the level of detail/abstraction that is being modeled.
Again, this is all dependent on the level of governance and what it means to an organization.
Options in the default page and in other pages depend on the level of permission the user is given.
Being aware and taking passionate action keeps you on the level and open to enjoying the adventure.
It operates on the level of the Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) and hence it is an integration technology.
Eyes provide an insight on the level of health of the individual, and healthy eyes indicate a healthy mate.
If it has to be in the model and it is suppressed consider using the summarizing function on the level above.
The flow of asylum-seekers depends in part on the level of instability in the more troubled areas of the world.
At the surface, on the level of what can be seen and felt in the physical world, my coming created much commotion.
While the vast majority of them are on the level, there are always people willing to sneak something in for a price.
You can define your custom binders at varying levels of the classpath depending on the level of granularity you want.
OK, so that's where we use, actually, the labels on the level curves that tell us whether things are going up or down.
The answer depends on the level of formality of the asset management progRational Asset Manager and the scope of reuse.
回答依赖于资产管理progRational AssetManager的形式水平以及复用的范围。
Companies have attempted wireless charging in the past, but it has not been on the level the WiTricity hopes to achieve.
Estonia lies on the eastern shores of the Baltic Sea on the level northwestern part of the rising east European platform.
Enterprises must be able to use more than one type of authentication depending on the level of risk associated with an app.
A: it depends on the person, it depends on how long you're listening, and it depends on the level at which you're setting your iPod.
And the Peterson Institute was not actually recommending a 41 per cent appreciation, but only trying to put a number on the level of undervaluation.
And the Peterson Institute was not actually recommending a 41 per cent appreciation, but only trying to put a number on the level of undervaluation.