He pretended not to care but that remark gave away his real opinion on the matter.
Reflecting on the matter, and without looking right or left, the Councillor went through East Street and across the Habro-Platz.
Sun Cruise had received "some advice" from Malaysia on the matter, The Business Times newspaper quoted company spokeswoman Judy Choo as saying.
Apple wouldn't comment on the matter.
Many tiger-farm managers declined to comment on the matter.
Dr. McGartland, also an economist, declined to comment on the matter.
There's not any real debate on the matter anymore, and there never really has been.
"I have enquired on the matter but no-one confirms the allegation of shooting" he wrote.
Also note that I took out the NOCYCLE option above to concentrate on the matter at hand.
"I have enquired on the matter but no-one confirms the allegation of shooting," he wrote.
A hearing on the matter was scheduled for this afternoon at the 160th Civil District Court.
Coll did not crack the family’s inner circle, so his conclusions on the matter are provisional.
That is not what Apple informed members of Congress last July when first quizzed on the matter.
Where they made no concessions, and rightly, was on the matter of the repatriation of prisoners.
When you speak or give a presentation, try to squeeze in a few of your personal thoughts on the matter.
Telefonica itself owns 10% of Portugal Telecom's shares, but may not be allowed to vote on the matter.
The Commission and member states are expected to reach a final decision on the matter at on November 19.
Hitchens admitted that he hasn't really involved himself in this debate, and that he's no expert on the matter.
Mr. Kerry said he did not know whether he would succeed but had spoken with 30 undecided senators on the matter.
While tapping out my thoughts on the matter, it seemed painfully clear how difficult of a question this really is.
Prague is expected to issue a statement on the matter after receiving a formal document from Washington later on Thursday.
I do not claim we had the last word on the matter, but it is just wrong to say we missed the obvious point that Paul raises.
In coming weeks, both Amazon and Sony Corp. plan to unveil new versions of their devices, said people briefed on the matter.
据知情人士透露,未来几周,亚马逊和索尼公司(Sony Corp .)都计划发布各自产品的新型号。
KAI officials were not available for comment, while an Aermacchi spokesman said he had no information to provide on the matter.
In the case of humans, one might think that it is hardly necessary to get the professional opinion of a zoologist on the matter.
When the second accuser was reached on her mobile phone today by AOL News, she said simply, "I have nothing to say on the matter."
When the second accuser was reached on her mobile phone today by AOL News, she said simply, "I have nothing to say on the matter."