Users will be able to use their handhelds to look up timetables on the net, search for a local hotel, and check their bank accounts.
Cyxymu on the Net: a Digital refugee.
Be wary of the millions of personal home pages on the Net.
If you expose your VNC service on the Net at large, intruders will probe it.
There's plenty of good, free, and legal music on the net for you to download.
The second scenario is that a person starts spending more and more time on the Net.
There are lots of free translation services on the net, but they all have a problem.
Do you get stirred up by reading newspapers or watching the news on TV or on the Net?
The semantic web aims to allow computers to extract useful information from data on the net.
The word on the Net was that Choi had been pressuring Ahn to repay a loan of some $2 million.
While he was roaming about on the net, a stranger asked him through QQ, “May I chat with you?”
Once both ends of the conversation are on the Net, connection fees will become relics of the early modern age.
We intend to devote all our time and energy to protecting the fundamental civil liberties on the net and elsewhere.
The source codes that are found on the net are either too complex (20 + classes), or don't provide sufficient efficiency.
If you haven't yet used Xmarks, you're missing out on one of the better bookmarking services available on the net today.
Ever been stuck in a conference room with no Wi-Fi, only one Ethernet connection, and five people who need to get on the net?
你曾经没有没有过5个需要上网的人呆在一个没有Wi - Fi的会议室里?
More and more employers want to know what you're doing, not just in your cubicle, behind the register or out in the field, but on the Net.
Because despite the popularity of games on the Net, we must admit that there are still many proposals for adventure, almost 50% of the time.
They can’t always stop mosquitoes from biting, but kill mosquitoes that land on the net, so they can’t infect another person, says Basu.
If you try to be subtle on the net, people don't get it; that can lead to developers putting years of work into features that others simply hate.
This article is not a Python advocacy piece nor a general Python tutorial. There are already several excellent resources on the net for both tasks.
If you have an application where you want any person on the Net with his or her own computer to be able to use your system, this requirement is problematic.
If you have an application where you want any person on the Net with his or her own computer to be able to use your system, this requirement is problematic.