Get clear about your goal. Decide what you're aiming for, and write it down. Once you've done that, you can start on the next step.
We believe that the signing of the Participation Contract today will exert a profound and favorable influence on the next step of EU's preparations.
Both sides reviewed their cooperation in various fields and raised thoughts and Suggestions on the next step of cooperation during the first round of large-scale meeting.
The same thing happens when we learn something new. We’re always looking towards what we’ll know or be able to do in the future, instead of focusing on the next step right now.
The new findings "go far beyond the fact that 24 ill patients received valve-in-valve replacement. They focus on the next step in the therapy of valvular heart disease," he writes.
It will push on the next step digitalization that we induct a digital color proof system. It will contribute to shorten making time especially if we add CTP system in the proof link.
If that worked, we should say hooray! If not, we will soldier on to the next step.
After you're done with service design, the next step is to implement (construct) services based on this design, as will be described in the next part of this series.
The next step is to allow-indeed, encourage-reader participation on individual pages.
The next step on our plug-in adventure involves adding an extension.
Click Next on the import database configuration step.
To get more information and turn the photograph into a real map, the next step is to turn on some layers.
The next step is to put those new cells on a cartridge, and print on the patient without touching him.
Then the next step will be revealed, then the next and so on. Each step will become clear when it is time to do so.
Now that duplicate instances of the broker IBMESBBRK have been created on both servers, the next step is to start those instances.
Some teams may take on more than one step at a time; others may run a few projects based on one step and then take the next step.
The next step is easy: Display a list of other users the user is following on the home page.
If a step in the process does not require a tool, you click a button in the cheat sheet to move on to the next step.
This "role" has an internal representation of the process flow and determines the next step based on the representation.
Our next step is to gather feedback on the prototype and the ideas behind it.
Other researchers are taking wireless charging to the next step: designing cars that can charge while on the road.
The important thing is to take the learning process in deliberate steps making certain that you understand each step before moving on to the next.
Still, even he wouldn't go the next step, putting on a denim shirt with a denim jacket and jeans.
Download the equivalent layers and radar return image for your area, and you'll be ready to move on to the next step.
The next step was the lengthy process of turning parts of the system off and on to see what made a difference.
The next step is to perform experiments on real-life skull models, using titatium as the building-block.
Once you had the courage to face your problems, you are now ready to decide on the solution or the next action step.
Once you had the courage to face your problems, you are now ready to decide on the solution or the next action step.