In a state of placid acceptance, his life in “limbo”, he embarks on one final debauched ride in search of the perfect death, his harmonious end-play.
Each lifetime is spent improving on the lifetime before, shedding imperfections in the hope of attaining the perfect state of enlightenment.
Albeit reasonable for wireline links, adaptive transmissions based on perfect channel state information (CSI) in wireless systems can be justified only when the channel fading is sufficiently slow.
The state function, entropy, is introduced by the means of a perfect gas behavior, and the second law of thermodynamics is demonstrated based on the first law.
Through the perfect code line, detail processing refine on, comfortable touch to the family endless, in fact harmony is the highest state of European style.
Through the perfect code line, detail processing refine on, comfortable touch to the family endless, in fact harmony is the highest state of European style.