And only then as I finally fall asleep do I register the blood I saw on the sock when I wiped my leg, the blood from my piss. I sleep.
On the way, a last bit of piss dribbles onto my thigh. I pick up a dirty sock from the floor, wipe the urine off and toss the sock in a corner.
Rollman, apparently, is working on a record for the most new ways to piss off6 the Creator.
Haldon stalked to the stern to piss down at the sun where it shimmered on the water, breaking apart with every puff of wind.
Today, I learned that in my family, 'Father's Day' is more like 'Father's drunken, piss on a plant in the kitchen during breakfast, order you to scrub in between his toes with your toothbrush Day.
I want to go there in the middle of the night and piss on his ashes!
I want to go there in the middle of the night and piss on his ashes!
Four years means you did your job, gave the company a thorough chance, didn't piss too many people off, and moved on.
Uther the Lightbringer: The urn holds your father's ashes, Arthas! What, were you hoping to piss on them one last time before you left his kingdom to rot?
If God was around, he'd rather I eat a bag of Doritos and pass out than get drunk, beat my wife and piss on the couch.
If God was around, he'd rather I eat a bag of Doritos and pass out than get drunk, beat my wife and piss on the couch.