He didn't want to go on the record as either praising or criticizing the proposal.
It's one of many moments on the record where West manipulates his vocals.
Their forthcoming discussion, if it happens, will at least be in public and on the record.
Attempt to automate mastership Settings based on the record ownership and user mastership Settings.
Dino expert John Horner and others suspect that at least 50 dinosaurs on the record books now have been incorrectly identified.
Funny, the men I spoke with agreed that women are too sensitive, though most of them were reluctant to talk on the record.
有趣的是,和我聊过的男性都认为女性过于敏感,但他们当中的大多数人并不愿意公开自己的身份。 在我保证不会在文中提及他们的名字后,他们便打开了话匣子。
Or call it, as many of Michael's collaborators have: "a labor of love." That sentiment certainly shines through on the record.
Apple, of course, is not going to pre-announce their products, and neither will any of its suppliers, at least not on the record.
To put on the record, the Chinese delegation wants to make our position clear concerning some issues contained in the Final document.
“It shows that Europe can come together, ” said a banker with close tiesto the fund who was not authorized to speak on the record.
None of those with whom I have experience, though, are willing to speak "on the record" for competitive, security, and often legal, reasons.
Doctors always prefer to get soldiers back to their units rather than out of theater, and not everyone who is treated appears on the record.
And the reason none of that really appeared on the record, even though we did quite a lot of stuff there, was because it sounded kind of synthetic.
When I asked the company about it over the summer they said, on the record, that they had not raised new money, but declined to comment further.
Neither wished to comment on the record, though both, like other big law firms, have websites promoting their services and highlighting their successes.
While Napster and Kazaa tried to skirt around the commercial imperatives of music, like paying artists, Apple took on the record industry in an entirely legal way.
Moulton told the Times: "Before the election, I had made several, on the record, donations to support Dr Fox following a request from the Conservative party fundraiser."
To make an official attempt on the record, Sikorsky will need to have the flight monitored by the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale, which compiles airspeed records.
What the Copenhagen Accord pledges begin to do is put countries on the record behind policies and programs that can be"measured, reported, and verified" -- MRV, in the lingo.
Three attempts on the 200-metre record ended in failure.
Find students from different parts of the country, record them talking to each other in different combinations, report on how they accommodate their speech or not, that kind of thing.
On August 26, 2018, Su Bingtian broke the record and won the men's 100-metre race at the Asian Games.
The president is on record as saying that the increase in unemployment is "a price worth paying" to keep inflation down.
Governments should set safety requirements and then let insurers price the risk of the robots based on the manufacturer's driving record, not the passenger's.
Governments should set safety requirements and then let insurers price the risk of the robots based on the manufacturer's driving record, not the passenger's.