You can turn the description of the property off and on using the Description command on the shortcut menu.
可以使用捷径功能表上的 [描述]命令来开启及关闭属性的描述。
Before opening a version of a source file with the Send to command on the shortcut menu, you must add an application's shortcut to your Send to folder.
If you have generated models left over from a previous generation, the shortcut check boxes on the first wizard page to generate palette, menu, and graphics will be disabled.
A finger swipe on the right side of the screen opens a menu of buttons for functions like search, sharing and a shortcut to the home screen. Swiping on the left side switches between open apps.
To do so, right-click on the document and select the Properties command from the shortcut menu.
TIP: when Controller has launched, click on the "Excel" shortcut (on the menu bar) to launch Excel, so you can check the Excel link.
You can sort the members that appear in the Members pane by right-clicking on a member and selecting an appropriate command from the shortcut menu.
Shortcut keys in common use of UG were made to be inductive and how to set up shortcut keys was discussed to solve problems on slowly using the mouse to click the menu.
You can start the program by going through the start menu or by the shortcut on your desktop.
All Dialog Editor toolbar commands are also available on the Format menu, and most have shortcut keys.
All Dialog Editor toolbar commands are also available on the Format menu, and most have shortcut keys.