Many a brisk argument or an insulting quarrel breaks out as the weary queues push and shove each other to get on buses and tubes.
The things that you're working on will permeate your thoughts.They might even shove aside some of the less important things you might spend your time dwelling on.
Same with the doctors: used to shove me out of the hospital before I could hardly stand on my legs, and nothing to pay.
As she watched her husband shove off on the ship bound for another country she shuddered because she knew it would be many years before she would see him again.
Philae had no ability to control its descent, which meant everything depended on the accuracy of Rosetta's initial shove.
With one shove he pushed me down, and then like a brute living in a cave on the shores of the Adriatic, he buried his head and began kissing my abdomen with his sweet, icy tongue.
I don't think I will ever feel as powerless as I did when I was on my knees, wearing a U. s. military uniform in the Middle East, forced by my superior to shove my head between another man's legs.
I don't think I will ever feel as powerless as I did when I was on my knees, wearing a U. s. military uniform in the Middle East, forced by my superior to shove my head between another man's legs.